

Everytime this comes, I’m reminded of the question about who we should believe: the guy who says he assaults women, or the women that say he assaulted them?

I want to hear the excuses. We all know they’ll be ridiculous, but I just want to hear his campaign try and convince voters that all of these women are liars, they’re all looking for money, they’re all ugly, etc.
The more women who come forward plus the weasley excuses just make him look so much more pathetic.

Let’s all take note that when he was looking for younger versions of his wife to paw at, his wife was 36 years old/aka unconscionably decrepit (/s). He is truly disgusting at every level.

Since the 12th is already baked into the election, let me just say that...

Keep it coming. I want his post election days to be a living hell of one sexual assault trial after another. I also want to see how many of these women he actually sues.*

What are we talking about? Human years? Soul years? Creative years? Years of what?

In time that humans have set, which isn’t real

Clarence Thomas cast the deciding Supeme Court vote to gut protection from sexual harassment:

Here is a Vox article with some more details:

And he supported a constitutional amendment to overturn Roe v. Wade! And he still supports the Hyde Amendment! And he was a much more enthusiastic supporter of the Iraq war than Hillary was!

Uncle Thomas is an embarrassment, and I can’t wait until President Hillary Clinton gets to drag the court to the left and sideline his sell-out ass. The new thing last week from conservatives was this kerfuffle and outrage about him not being explicitly included in the new National Museum of African American History

I give major side eye to people who groan about how they wish they were voting for Biden instead of Clinton because “reasons”. Biden would have had major issues as a candidate and not only because of how he treated Anita Hill but also the plagiarism and all the video and photo evidence of how hands-y he is with women.

Clarence Thomas should recuse himself from hearing any cases where Monsanto is a party, since he was formerly their corporate counsel and retains a financial interest in their success.

Anita Hill told the truth about him at his confirmation hearing, but the (overwhelmingly male) senators didn’t admit it.  I knew it then and it is still obvious now. He has always been a disgrace to the Court.

That depends. Will she need to deflect attention/reporting on yet another payment to her “not for profit” organization from groups who want her husband to vote against the ACA?

I would love to see this asshat somehow get thrown off the court, but I have no idea how or if that is even possible. He should have recused himself from any case dealing with teh Affordable Care Act given the millions of dollars his wife raked in from opponents of the act.

Japanese women are.thought of fetish like objects and have been treated as less than. So yeah. That was gross.

Wait, wait. These guys got off? (dildo jokes aside.) What about the damage to Federal property? What about the threats against the FBI? What about the trashing of the Native American artifacts? What about their still-unpaid grazing bills?

Wow. If this isn’t one of the best illustrations of white privilege, I don’t know what is. Cases like this are why I’m beyond done with white people who lecture black people about our “culture” or about how we need to “just listen to police officers” and “stop breaking the law.” FUCK people who say that when shit