
I loved them all, but cool mom Jane was my favourite . She was just so cheerful and relateable. My heart went out to rosy-cheeked Andrew for not getting the Hollywood Handshake (sounds a bit dirty, yeah?) Candice’s big teary boyfriend is probably the UK’s newest heartthrob today. And that pug!

Who was your favorite? I’ll admit, I was THRILLED for Candice, but I was bound to love someone whose dedication to lipstick far exceeds my own.

An alien from Planet Hottie, right?

i watched every episode but i definitely missed the friendship that jane and candice formed. at the end, that blurb really surprised me. we all agreed that was gonna be bbc’s next show or some crap. i don’t mind jane but i don’t think she should have gotten to the final. i thought benjamina was way better! i really

So you thought, I don’t want to know who won! But you clicked on an article about the finale anyway, and ignored the spoiler warning. Now you’re complaining that they spoiled it. Good one.

No spoilers from me BUT - check the winner’s name. It wasn’t a “Caroline.” I am a loony stateside who casts it from YouTube and will watch repeats.

I’ve stopped being scared about the Trump supporters’ bully tactics and threats of revolution and violence. These are man-children who need a loaded gun on them to feel secure in towns where the populace are 95-99% white.

I believe so much in “America” that I cry foul when you don’t stand for our national anthem, yet I will threaten to overthrow the government if the election doesn’t go my way.

I know… Right? It used to be that only men and White American Jesus had rights. Now the blacks, the fags, the womens, the poor… Everyone is trying to have rights.

Roger. Coleman is a nice little town of 700 people, 95% of whom are white, in northern Wisconsin. If there are riots, you can probably just go fishing and be fine.

Justin and jimmy are the most Annoying douche bros.

Looks like someone forgot about Ben Carson, trump’s Black friend and official Detroit tour guide. He’s been a tireless surrogate when not off trying to find his luggage.

I agree completely, though I’d also add the War on Drugs and mass incarceration from the Reagan era forward to the list.

I think it really comes down to 2 things Repubs have done that completely screwed regular folks over. One, union busting. Two, shifting tax burdens from corporations and the rich to the middle and lower classes. It’s a 1-2 punch that’s broken the backs of most of us and caused almost all the money to flow upwards,

Republicans frustrate me to no end by fetishizing the trappings of that decade without looking at what led to them. Mores have changed in the country, but there are still many, many people whose ideal is homeownership, marriage, children, and having one parent stay at home or work part time during early childhood

This what it looks and sounds like when someone thinks your entire race is stupid/will believe anything. Note to Trump, we’re not and we still see you for the racist you are.

It’s a common conservative tactic to frame their xenophobia as defense of black workers

Hail Mary Last Ditch No Sleep Till Brooklyn, eh Don? “OK, look, look, I’ll bargain with ya.”

So just like when a bully in middle school notices a kid has something that could be useful to them and suddenly wants to be BFFs and and thinks their motive isn’t embarrassingly transparent, except is adult and aspiring to be leader of America. Okay.