
They are Slytherin luxury!

I feel like such a bitter asshole because I hate people that love Jimmy Fallon and Jimmy Kimmel antics. GARBAGE COMEDY FOR GARBAGE PEOPLE.

Exactly. My dog Spaghetti is just silly enough. (He’s the one in back.)

I feel like Trump would be pro-euthanasia. Seems like his jam.

I’m (pleasantly) surprised that Nat Turner’s revolt is getting made before John Brown’s. He’s the perfect White Savior.

Also Betabrand. I just bought their dress yoga pants, and the fabric is heaven. They make a maternity version, and I’ll definitely be getting those when the time comes.

I would be into a workplace comedy about the DMV fur sure!

Thanks for the link! I’m seeing my GP in three weeks to talk about winding down my meds as I prepare to do pregnancy.

Quick correction: it’s y’all as in you all, not ya’ll. Just a random gripe I have.

For example, voting rights are in a backslide. Who’d’ve thought?

Ugh. And they’ve had that statutory sketch before. It was unfunny the first time as well as actively harmful. What the fuck aspect of this bit deserves a recurring sketch?

Nice! I didn’t know they had those. You a Des Moineser too?

He posts about it all the time on social media and heavily addresses it at rallies and town halls. It’s just not his #1 issue, that’s all. Doesn’t mean he’s untrustworthy on the issue.

My stepmom constantly talked shit to me about my mom, and it really hurt even though she was mostly correct. Kids don’t need to hear that.

That’s alright. I wish I was on drugs here, lol. But the ‘Stache is an old fogey.

Cedar Rapids is a garbage town with garbage smells. But Iowa as a whole is pretty great. Particularly Des Moines and Iowa City. And our Republican governor is only the old-fashioned, agstablishment kind, not the psycho Tea Party kind.

That’s a website feature on every DMReg photo. Standard operating procedure.

Hashtags to look for? I want to see!

It’s really cute and genuine feeling. The best episode is the one about Indian actors.