
Because aside from Native Americans, African Americans have suffered some of the worst racism due to chattel slavery and its awful legacy.

I definitely think it’s fucked up that people get married there. I’m just saying that it’s not a museum that glosses over the slave experience (like other plantation museums definitely do). I didn’t mean to be insensitive; I apologize. I’m just a major history buff.

Of course.

#1 best eyebrows in the biz. P.S. Now You See Me is my jam. Dave Franco, Jesse Eisenberg, Mark Ruffalo.

I don’t think Drayton Hall is a good example of glorification though. The first thing you see driving up to it is a very detailed slave cemetery mapping the generations of slaves who lived and died there and telling their stories.

He is super hot though. His interview with John Oliver (also <3) is so charming. But I suppose I have a type.

* translation: UK public school = US private school. US public school = UK state school.

I <3 this! Really speaks to my inner creative middle schooler forbidden from dyeing her hair.

Theory checks out.

Can someone write an academic paper on this? I want to know why we’re all weirdly in love with him.

How do you feel about Shere Khan and Bagheera? Babes, for sure.

He has some of the best lines.

Martha’s Cooking School is the best pre-bedtime show. It’s so soothing. Last night she and some guy made a bunch of pastas.

Raw carrots have the texture of old ice.

Yup. He could have been richer if he’d put his 1987 money in index funds instead of throwing it around business-gambling.

But he was so hot, and they had such good, fucked-up chemistry!

Daaaang. I wish he’d seen that delicious burn.

Is your goddess Taylor Swift?