
I love how their legs are of uniform thickness like a cartoon dinosaur.

I used to. They used to make cute preppy clothes (blazers, breezy knee-length skirts with cute prints, sundresses), but they started doing super trendy festival wear stuff several years ago, and I haven’t been back.

Hey now, LE has some seriously nice knit dresses. :)

That is my dream job. But I have no medical training (or people skills) whatsoever. Let me design you pretty things, PP!

My husband used to be like that, but after years of my feminist rants, he’ll get independently angry about something, and I could just cry with joy. He’ll tell me about how he confronted something sexist said at work or how he maybe wants to run for city council. <3

They’re nice only to people like them. My sister is hardcore conservative who believes she is a good person because she goes to church and doesn’t get mad or raise her voice debating. Just because you say “I believe gay people are going to hell” kindly doesn’t make it a kind thing to believe.

Of course!

Follow the Freedom From Religion Foundation on FB for all kinds of stories like that. They’re always suing some podunk town for shit like that, and they mostly always win. It’s pretty great.

Are you Mimi Matthews? If not, I think you’d enjoy her blog, as you’re posting on Pictorial.

But then you have to wipe poo out of more places. It’s a toss-up!

For vanillas who aren’t porn fluent, James Deen was a recognizable name to search on PornHub or whatever. Plus, he doesn’t look like a greasy gym-bro like most hetero performers.

And if you’re looking for hetero, I stumbled on Tyler Nixon gifs yesterday. He’s CUTE.

I’d only ever seen his early stuff that was vanilla and romantic. Mostly because I’m not all up on the new releases I guess? I had no idea he did that kind of stuff until this week.

I went on a tumblr hunt last night and found a replacement good-face porn dude. Look up Tyler Nixon.

OMG a single voice of sanity. THANK YOU.

It’s like, the only good accent Jon could do.

I think one of the modern conveniences I’m grateful for is a home that’s relatively bug-resistant. Can you imagine all the critters you would have to avoid in a home without modern windows, for example? Gross!

Thanks for the rec! Nothing else was available on my library audiobook queue, but this was. No more rage-inducing Ted Cruz interviews on NPR on my drive!