
I would love a Pictorial article about POC missing from our cultural understanding of historical periods and places.

Are you familiar with Offbeat Bride? It’s such a dose of sanity and inclusiveness, and it didn’t make me feel like a freak for forgoing a number of gross, old traditions.

It’s basically a British acting requirement that you be in at least one Jane Austen adaptation.

Brb, changing my legal name!

I think the authors are overlooking what the flyover states consider affordable.

Oooooh that would be a good pissing contest: Tell Us Your Craziest Experience with a Cult

Holy hell that shit is expensive. Do yourself a favor and check out Kinja Deals because there are <$20 Bluetooth headphones on the daily. For the rest, I’d stick to the best reviewed shit on Amazon for as much $$$ as you’re willing to dedicate to that item.

Same. Also Rita Ora’s because uniforms.

This is neat. Very Georgian.

This is the worst comeback. Please reconsider posting on the internet.

I work adjacent to the funeral profession, and we had the guy who runs the body farm in Tennessee come give a lecture. It was fascinating af!

FYI: This isn’t Brian Kilmeade. That’s this doofus.

There’s a happy medium here. His bandmates are wearing good cuts. I don’t think loose bootcut is the right choice for a bold print.

This would be decent in a slimmer cut to look more updated.

I really dig my memory foam one. I never have to adjust it or ball it up in the night. Costco has one with a cooling gel top too. Black Friday that shit!

Get some LEDs instead!

You should give Spy a chance then. She totally plays against that typecasting with hilarious results.

Tyra, as always, is wearing something patently insane.