
Are you saying HP sample sale is a bad look? Because you are mistaken. SHE’S SO FANCY.

Also interesting: how often people drowned.

Does anyone know what the breakdown % was? I cannot find it anywhere!

YES. This was bugging me the whole article. I was thinking Southern Mississippi or something.

We’ll live vicariously through Canada’s new PM I guess. They’re super cute.

Jesus. I need like a taxonomy of musical genres. Are those real?!

The secret of haunted houses for weenies is to talk loudly about what’s happening and annoy the shit out of everyone else. That’s what I do!

Pretty brilliant! It looks like those animal sculptures made of that prickly wood hair stuff. The texture is amazeballs, basically.

It’s like Crocs for your hair!

Did you make the mask? It’s fantastic! Also, your username is top notch.


FUCK YES I DO. Crafting the perfect Halloween costume is the BEST. Here’s this year’s funnel cake and churro costume with bonus JR Donut dogs.

Ugh I hated my bug project. I caught the minimum amount needed to pass and added extra credit scientific identification and pretty paper. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

As is the Eastern State Penitentiary! Best 2 things about Philly.

I did/do! He’s actually a wealthy professional musician with a major city orchestra now. Just a goofy sense of humor, I guess?

Not me; I found it on reddit’s Halloween subreddit. But it is genius for sure! (I’ll post sometime when I get our funnel cake/churro costume pics back.)

Look at this Lil’ Kim Davis costume (with Magic Mike Huckabee):

That is a very silly street name.