


Fur sure. I mean, if you’re flow is irregular, how are you supposed to check if it’s full? You can’t just pop it back in if it isn’t, and pulling a dry tamp out is the WORST. Always Infinity for life!

Are your boobs magic?! How do they look so great sans bra? That dress is the perfect amount of drape.

Oh wow. What an emotional rollercoaster!

Best Kroll Show sketch, mostly because I <3 John Mulaney.

Cap is the best Avenger. America’s charming, perfect-butted Boy Scout. Ultron had way too much RDJ, imo.

I love you. ur so goffic

SAME. And there are few cute names that end in hard consonant sounds to go with H-last names. :(

He’s basically Justin Guarini.

That’s really pretty! They’re like fancy paper dolls.

Hell yeah. We were part of the band in ‘08 when they performed the full Thriller dance. Crowd was nuts!

My husband and I met in the Hawkeye Marching Band, so I made our topper with shakos and plumes (and our dog)!

I am a big proponent of the Great Northern Conspiracy. Go Manderleys!

Skin care. I sailed through my teen years with perfect olive baby skin. I only learned to use face wash in the shower in college. Now I am a 26-year-old oily, spotty mess. I’ve learned to do CeraVe wash and Cetaphil moisturizer at night, but I think my hormones are sabotaging the effort. Luckily, I’m really good at

I’ve got fine straight hair that gets greasy as hell. I find that 2nd day hair is achievable if you’ve done a hairstyle with hairspray the day before. It’s like hair varnish. (My favorite hair tool is the Bed Head Deep Waver. It takes less than 5 minutes and gives my that messy, wavy volume I’ve always wanted.)

SAME. And I love it so much when I can get it done. But as an adult, I’ve got no older sisters to french braid my hair at night. :( It’s far to fine and slippery to braid myself. I feel like I’d have to dread it into all the pieces I need before I could braid it.

This is relevant to my interests! I’m going to the UK at the end of May and am visiting most of the shooting locations. Yay! Thank you!

Oops! I mean 6th.

Looks like the 5th Doctor.