
Did someone squish David Tennant?

How the fuck do I block people from inviting me to shit? I don't want to like your friend's photography page. I don't want to come to your gig 200 miles away. Etc.

Oh my god did you notice how turrible her blush was this season?! I feel like I need to tell you guys because my husband did not appreciate the awfulness. SO MUCH BLUSH. And in entirely different color temperatures than her equally bright lipstick.

If you're using Chrome, go into Settings > Advanced Settings > Privacy > Content Settings > Plugins and select Click to play. That'll stop anything Flash-based from auto playing!

I wasn't Team Will, but I do think Cory should have won last year.

You missed an opportunity to call them chest nuts!

I'm requesting a ruling (from Kara or the commentariat) on something my friend's mom has said to her. Feels a bit shady.

To friend: "Is there an app on your phone to help you remember people's birthdays?"

YES. My pup is named Spaghetti. It suits him because he is goofy as fuck.

Have you seen Miss Fisher's Murder Mysteries? I feel like you should see that show.

Also, that font and kerning is ugly as fuck.

12 year old me is very into this reference. Also very into writing Harry Potter fanfiction.

Kat: I work for a funeral service publication in a state that could very much use some guidance on issues like this. Could I contact you for advice about this story?

YES. I'm all about skinny nerds. Also weirdly about Danny McBride.

Can I just say FUCK MISSIONARIES? Don't foist your patriarchal Western religions on developing countries, dickfaces of history.

I'm conflicted because their relationship is weird but they are both so attractive!

This is just a photoshopped version of a DIY Walter White costume from last year.

Fur real. In my city, all the kids tell horrible kid jokes instead of saying Trick or Treat. If I could avoid the comedic stylings of my neighborhood children, that would be great.

Could use a darker brow. With all the nude colors, she looks a bit washed out.

I love the Hall & Oates idea. My husband and I have always wanted to go as David Bowie (him) and Freddie Mercury (me). Our go-to karaoke is Under Pressure already.