
Why on Earth would you live in Florida if you hate to sweat? I can barely stand Iowa in the summer.

You guys need to stop forgetting to bold the names in the lede. Because Filed Under no longer appears on the front page, I have no other way of knowing this is a Dirt Bag and not a one-off story. Thank you!

Ugh. Why can't they do a feature on fashion that mattered (and isn't wildly offensive)? Like suffragette inspired clothing. Or anything inspired by Rejected Princesses?

I like to take my cue from Lumpy Space Princess and declare "Oh my glob!"

Fancy! Thanks for the new word.

Oh shit, you're not supposed to chug a half gallon of chocolate milk for dry mouth?

An old fashioned food mill!

Is this in reference to the Party God from Adventure Time?

Oh haha. I thoroughly dislike Cat, Robb, and Ned. But I love Arya and Sansa. I think Sansa's storyline is going to get epic.

My husband's grandpa was always trying to sneak him and his brother envelopes of cash every time they came to visit. He's the sweetest.

I love Cersei, and I love House Stark (Arya, obvs). I just had to say that Lannister people are the cat people, and Stark people are the dog people (lions and wolves, you guys).

I own them. They are really comfortable but almost too short on my super short legs.

That is so awesome. I have a Harry Potter room in my house full of all my artwork and memorabilia. (Guest room / future nursery).

Is anyone going to get me a picture of that $65 witch outfit or what?!

Well she's also a really good suburban mom type as well. I died when she was Pam 2 in the Marvel sketch.

What were the other options?

Way better than Hermione's. That's fur sure.

Yes, it's so wonderful! As a non-cable-haver, I'm really glad the meatier segments are put on YouTube for us plebes.

STEM people, for some reason, are not great at designing websites.

I really want to be Jon Snow, but my husband refused to be a white walker or Ghost (he hates makeup and masks), so he is being Ygritte. I found the perfect coats to use as materials at Goodwill for $5 too. I'm fucking pumped!