
Fur real. I'll go a couple days without pooping, and then bam! Baby arm sized poop out in 2 seconds.

Mine was purple, then silver, then "clear" for some reason, then blue-violet (crayon-style), then green (what up, Slytherin). Still tend to buy a lot of purple clothing though.

I read that Che and Jost are close personal friends, so they probably have better chemistry. And as much as I love Cecily, I don't think Update suits her.

PBS aired a really thorough documentary last night aimed at anti-vaxxers. I highly recommend watching and posting to Fb!

Well you guys can send me all your crazy flavors, as it seems I'm in the minority in liking them. Just think of the possible combinations! (Side note: pumpkin vodka is disgusting. Don't try it. Glazed donut vodka, however, is delish. Cake vodka + caramel Bailey's = the best.)

This one looks very luxurious.

He is great in Silicon Valley!

Sweat keeps my lips nice and hydrated.

I have something like this, and it's super handy!

Tell her not to worry. My husband plucks his mom's "billy goat hairs" from time to time, and he's straight. :)

This heavy eye makeup looks bizarre without eyebrows.

It's hard to believe this is a red carpet photo and not an ad campaign. So perfect!

This is very 90s Madonna. Can't say I'm a fan.

LW1 needs to say to her friend, "is being racist more important to your than being in my life?"

Everyone should look at Evangeline Lilly's new hair because it is very cute.

The guys I know who do it are just really tall. So they have a couple inches of nice boxer briefs, then swimsuit. Because swimsuits tend to be short on leggy dudes. But since there are board shorts that are hella long now, I'm not sure.

I can accept almost any rule34, but Dick Cheney?! What kind of sick monster does that?

This is the worst dress.

Whoa, Maddox is still a thing? I used to love his site when I was an edgy special snowflake teen.