
Maybe segue it into some other pageantry like hugging both their parents at the end of the aisle.

Eh. We'll ride it out. I still like Kristen Stewart. Haters gonna hate!

And she's obsessed with her gold Trans Am, which is hilarious. There's a whole amazing song about it.

Just thought the same! He would be perfectly wonderful for that role.

I like to assume by Mel Gibson Googling himself, you mean the Tracy Jordan definition.

I used to love it, but the laugh track got to be really grating. And everything was from the perspective of Penny, the normal, to the detriment of the nerds.

Well I got it and appreciated it. :)

That's the one I'm talking about. It looked to me like dragonfly sweater guy (on far left) had a chinstrap.

I'd say Harry and Chinstrap are the best dressed. What is with the low-crotch skinny pants on Blond One?

Easy. Kill Ben Harmon, fuck Tate Langdon, marry Annie.

Though I wouldn't mid some Obama beefcake lifting photos. Lol.

I'm just waiting for that shit to make it to SVU via some weak rape-adjacent segue.

Churros are fucking amazing. We made some last weekend from scratch. They were fun and soooooo scrumptious. It's a really simple recipe (go to allrecipes.com and it's the best-rated recipe).

I, too, am perplexed. She looks super cute!

The black dress in the middle of slide 3 is so Michelle Dockery.

She is brilliant in that show.

Does Frank Ocean's ensemble remind anyone else of a dental assistant?

Wow! What a great mix of lessons!

I read the headline and expected pube science. Was disappointed. MOAR PUBE SCIENCE PLZ.

Another conservative response: They should be allowed to fire you and hire a man. It's just nature.