
Looks like more subway sleeping bags for everyone!

Oh man. I would watch NPR TV all damn day. If my 12-year-old self could see how boring I've become.

I agree. The way they styled Noomi seemed a little cartoonish.

The last paragraph really sums it up. The truth is that racism against people of Asian descent is still acceptable here.

As an uncoordinated person obsessed with ballet and Netflix, thank you!

I have to admit that I would totally hate-fuck Tucker Carlson. Then maybe strangle him with his own bowtie or punch him in the face. #sorryfeminists

I agree. That was not cathartic at all for me. Won't someone call him out? He keeps interrupting with the same talking point over and over.

Careful! You'll get hysteria from your wandering uterus!

This episode is probably my favorite. For that sequence. I should look up a row of gifs containing all the ladyscuses.

And they probably fall to pieces when the sun shines on their haird.

Side note: My dog is named Spaghetti. :)

Dolly Rainbow is effing magical.

I agree with LadyJeanGrey. Have hope for those girls. They will most likely change their tune when they grow up a little, have sex, go off to college, and become their own people.

I would have liked her character better if she was more like herself in the last scene (on the horses) rather than a whimpering damsel in distress. SO BLAND.

Check out Aziz Ansari and John Mulaney. No machismo there; pure comedy gold!

He also says black and white chicks always come with a set of politics. That, and he fetishizes Asian girls pretty hard.

Michelle Dockery was my favorite for the night.

I think it's people who can't separate the human breast from the sexualized bosoms of American media and/or sexually repressed culture.

As a humorless feminist, I have come to assume that anyone who rebuts an argument with "Lighten up, it's just a _______" is a major asshole. Sorry, Joan.

SAME. I can't watch Always Sunny or the Office. I call it the Meet the Parents problem because that movie started it all for me.