Another major potential guy-centered use for these? No-gi Brazilian jiu-jitsu grappling spats.
Another major potential guy-centered use for these? No-gi Brazilian jiu-jitsu grappling spats.
Yippie Kay Yay Sparklefucker.
They look great, but they clearly went for the "no-lawsuit" variation. They even look good in that extreme closeup.
first two days walking to my usual running circuit felt weird, not tight but...everything held in its place, once I started running I completely forgot about it, now I find them extemely confortable, plus like you said, with these I'd have robot legs!!!!
Heck, I'd wear them as a tri-suit in trialthlons or compressions in running events.
well i do use the stretchy kinda yoga pants for running in winter , these would be very cool to get
I have to admit, as a dude, I'm kinda tempted. I'm not really a leggings guy, naturally, but I can be flexible.
I love these- the pink ones remind me of the transformer, Arcee, and the red and gold with chain mail look like Space Marines.
You can't change your hardware, that's your DNA. But you can definitely upgrade your mental software by questioning & learning every day.
Yeah, I tried to point that out—I really don't understand why the WSJ genderized this.
I feel something similar toward the Super Mario Brothers movie. Guilty pleasure, I guess.
We must sacrifice 10,000 wallets per day to sustain his psychic presence that protects PC Gamers.
That might work, but it's probably best to drop it completely, like they had until Ultimates made it a big deal again. I don't think I posted it here, but I saw something from one of the Marvel staff who was saying before Ultimates it was the audience who wouldn't drop it. Actually, Pym never dropped it either, he…
... yeah just look at Nick Fury and tell me there is no Ultimates in there...
Still waiting on the downside.
It was entirely necessary (and thus justified) from a Whedonesque point of view.
I was a bit confused from that as well. I'm not from Boston, but a decent chunk of Northern Rhode Islands kind of sound like that.
I'm in Virginia.... they did DC, and now Boston. So close to my home and yet, so far away. Come on Richmond!
I live in the midwest and everyone I know says it the same way as you.
Or also set in Not real cities. Some of which based on Cities not only not in New England, but not in New York. Mafia 1 was intended to be a Chicago analog, not new York. And wasn't Crazy taxi San Fransisco? And Driver has ranged from Miami to New York to San Fran. Last of Us wasn't "set" in Boston, it was set all…