
When I was a kid, my dad told me that this was true: the AOTC was put in some dusty government warehouse somewhere. I was indignant! When I was a teen, and noted it in some fist-brandishing anti-government tirade at dinner, I was mercilessly mocked.

Boooooo! I am so disappointed I could throw a bear!

Such a great chance to troll some far-future archeologists with misinformation....

I'm going with the landfills. The electronic devices aren't likely to survive in a useful state and the data will rot. (So much will be lost because it isn't in hard copy...) The infrastructure seems designed to maximize road construction jobs, not longevity. (Which actually might tell them something after all,

no version on windows makes this a non starter for a lot of people.

That little exchange kinda sums up what makes The Flash so great: it's kinda... goofy and fun? It's ongoing plot arc is more "intriguing" than the kind of "suspenseful" that Arrow gets. The fact that Barry does that annoying infectious grin all the time; the fact that you can bring Team Arrow to Central City, and have

Kelly, I say this with love, I think your math is wrong...?

ANY Felicity is the best Felicity.

You're a brave man, f*#$ing with Riddick like that and living to tell the tale....

In a couple hundred years, someone will write a play based on a complete misinterpretation of the relationship between John Williams and Jerry Goldsmith. a la Amadeus. I would watch the hell out it.

I was just screaming this as I scrolled down..

Yeah its R2Q5 AKA the imperial astromech droid.

Following the link to ThinkGeek, they properly label it as an R2-Q5.

Because someone else posted the one for Raiders of the Lost Ark. Boris Grishenko's frosty demise from Goldeneye. Invincible? I think not.


YAHOOOO!!! Extra props that its all of mankind that gets wiped out.

Oh my god. I'm not sure that's what the show intended us to take, but it's a great idea.

Oh man, that is an interesting idea.

Harrison knowing all those names seems to be what satisfied Barry mentally on what Harrison did, but I think it served two purposes. It was a nice DC comics call out, but all Harrison did was name people who were affected by the accident who were superheroes. He didn't care about his victims at all, he just knew their