
Thank you, kindly Postman, for answering my comics/star wars dicks question. Mostly the comics one. I should've known there was a "Comics for Soldiers" deal, just never looked into it. I'm definitely saving onto that for when I get my EXCEL (one up'ing you there) of titles and trade dates.

Ehhh there were so many better fan-ideas, but I guess I'll have to wait and see.

I think I've seen this exact image before in D&D/RPG conversations, really.

You actually posted it on both! That's what had me so confused at first, I had just read it in the other article.

A scholar, a researcher who's name shall live through the ages! Thank you for doing the work I was too lazy to do myself. R2Q5, it shall be! (no sarcasm, just funny speak. Feels like I need this disclaimer)

I don't care if this was intentional or accidental, but you get a star, good sir.

This is not the droid you're looking for. I don't know what droid it IS, but it's clearly not R2D2.

What have I done...

Exclusive images! REAL PROOF that the MOON LANDING was FAKED by OBAMA!

I'm now excited for next week.

Can you imagine Loki blogging?

I've got a bad feeling about this. I had a wizard in D&D with a pet raptor, used her as a combat mount. That wizard died last week. Chris Pratt Owen, don't die! Beware of large spiders and scorpions!

You know what? I'd watch this movie.

I hope not. I like a good old betrayal.

I like this Dracula a lot.

I haven't dug deep yet due to work, but I think I can't use Dashclock lock screen anymore, either.

The fact that they removed notifications from the top menu baffles me. They take up so much more space now for no discernible reason.

Especially in Christian religions.

I've only heard bad things about old consoles on modern TVs. I've yet to try it myself. I'm not sure my SNES even works anymore : \

Hahaha, that's a great comparison. Now I want it even more, honestly!