
The Institute? Dear God of Nuclear Fallout I hope this isn't fake. New England Fallout? Yes please.

Thanks, good to hear different opinions! Half the reason I don't like most MOBAs I play is because the cast is just huge and while I can start to understand concepts, getting character name and roles down is rougher. "What was this cool gun dwarf good at? Where was that archer..."

That's just it, I'm not a huge MOBA fan. I am a mythology fan though.

Oooh free skins. That's always tempting.

As a big mythology fan (who isn't), I bet I could get into this MOBA. I should give it a download. It's open beta, right?

Make three good jokes, and your penance shall be complete.

A seafood thanksgiving sounds amazing.

There's my problem, I liked the elite mercenaries. Foolishly assuming their multiclassing was worth it. And I never used Coyote, my folly continues.

You seem knowledgeable. How do you make drones useful? I had the problem op had where drones couldn't hit very well, and when they did it wasn't for very hard. Is it a kill thing, and you just need to get choosy with NPC riggers?

It's a shame, because rigger (thanks for reminding the proper term) is such a great concept! When mine weren't useless due to bugs, they just couldn't aim for anything, no matter what I did.

Nothing against taking your time. I really rushed through it, because I'm a huge nerd that had very little social life or things to do besides game and work for a while. If you do get there before Berlin, it may not be so bad for others, I had a pretty crap team. A subpar mage main, a pretty good decker/roboticist (I

It was terrible in exactly one map, the one containing the final boss.

Civ5, every time I think I quit you... First Mass Effect races, now this? What next, Dragonlance? Eberron?

Mhm,I saw after reading on. Jokes on me, it seems.

This is what I get for not reading past "Home console game characters only"

Aren't these all PC games primarily? I could be wrong about Bioshock, but not the best choices for "Home console" characters, hm?

Suddenly becomes a little more intriguing. Thanks for this, and the screenshot!

I am guessing with all its rearranging and temporarily hiding of emails, it does not sync well with the browser based gmail client? I use mobile while on the go, but always turn to the web browser when at a computer. If they don't show the same thing, it'll be an odd thing.

Toonami got me into anime too. So good. The music block wasn't a common thing. Maybe once or twice a year? And it was the same every time, too.

My introduction was Cartoon Network's Toonami. They had a music night on their Midnight Run block. The first four songs of Interstella, Gorillaz music videos, a collection of all the videos made for breaks in Toonami programming. It is an oft remembered part of my childhood.