It's worth giving a shot. As much as the nostalgic inside me says "try to get an old gameboy!" You'd probably be better off going with one of the remakes of the first generation or second. Newer games kind of throw a lot at you.
It's worth giving a shot. As much as the nostalgic inside me says "try to get an old gameboy!" You'd probably be better off going with one of the remakes of the first generation or second. Newer games kind of throw a lot at you.
Are you saying American audiences can't handle darker themes?
How much do you think one'a these apartments would cost? They look so lovely! Probably much more than the floor plan would lead one to believe.
I knew the "keep paying to keep the games" deal. I didn't know you needed to actually download the games to keep claim on them. That was the kind of investigation I needed to do before I actually spent the money. Thanks for saving me the digging.
I eagerly await the day I open up Moneysaver to find current gen consoles all having their prices slashed to make way for the shiny new consoles.
Can I access a PSN account through a website, so that I can get all the current games when I do finally get the ps3?
That's what I'm thinking. I'd have to look into the details.
I am tempted to buy this, and I won't even have a PS3 for a few months.
Of that KMMO list, how many of them are doing something different? There is the stereotype of grindfest kMMOs, that I know is not totally true, but there certainly can be some bad ones out there.
I'm not surprised. Seems more like jumping in on how many MMOs are coming out. I'll still probably give it a shot, though.
Sorry, meant to say "Korean or American." TES excluded, of course
I am bad at posting. Edited to move comment.
I, honestly, can't think of any Korean games coming out at all. I am way out of the "future MMO" news, though, and that is my fault.
Hey man, we're talking MMOs here. Don't go all crazy with your old school pen and paper shit!
Even then, dull is a matter of opinion. SWTOR is decent, I adore The Secret World, TES will be an American MMO, though who knows about it's quality.
You could switch to advanced job classes, based on your chosen job after "newbie", as I remember.
Ah, did XI have it as well? Never actually played, heh
Wait, who is saying the future of MMOs is looking dull? I mean, there will always be games that are doing nothing new, or have nothing behind them, but dull? TES MMO is on the horizon, that's going to be a big hit. Uh. I actually. Forget what else is on the horizon. I got too content with my current MMOs.
The point I would've made perfectly. I need to be out the door at 5:30a every morning. I am lucky to eat a bowl of dry cereal and have a cup of tea, forget a full breakfast with a family that is mostly asleep.
I'll give ya, that side bar of "popular" stories is pretty cool. And the up arrow is a welcome addition on any site! I am surprised I missed it before. I can see how changing the background color could help with how garrish it seems to me at first glance, too. All that lighter blue on white, man. As for the contacts?…