
Pay attention men: Women do not like it when you send your donger to their cell phone. They end up blocking it every time.

Dear Best Fans in Baseball. STOP.

The Blue Jays beat the Yankees tonight and the Blue Jays’ best slugger even had the nerve to take it out on Yankees

Poor guy. Congratulations to him and his players for doing well. The way he cracks at the end and then gets a handle on it is fascinating to me. People mourn and carry grief in a variety of ways, obviously he’s continued to live a successful professional existence after the tragedy, which suggests he figured a way to

I can picture Bosh chilling at a cookout with a longneck.

I hope he gets it shipped soon, he's gonna need that yellow banner reattached to his back.

Coach, maybe you wear dark colors from now on. A good black dri-fit type of shirt will hide that moisture. It won’t stop the sweating but at least you won’t look like you just got out of the pool on national tv.

This is a bit off topic but I think hockey coaches should have to wear full pads and helmet on the bench.

Gotta wear a black shirt if you sweat that much. Then you can be as slick as an orca and no one knows (until a player pats you on the back and a fine mist sprays the audience).

Bushmills? That’s protestant whiskey!

There are few things more delicious than the tears of a sportswriter whining about the sanctity of baseball and its unwritten rules. I expect to slake my thirst in the coming hours and days.

The most embarrassing thing in this video is using the bar pad.

It wasn’t a squat, it was a very short yoke walk.

Note to Mike McCarthy, Eddie Lacy says he’s been losing weight left and right.

“I’m going to keep my beanie on, do my 135 and keep a safe distance from this asshole”

The guy squatting in the Smith machine is still more embarrassing.

The guy squatting on the Smith Press, just a few head shakes and back to it.

My mom forwarded me this facebook-meme-math-catasrophe. I called the police and now she is safely behind bars for the rest of her rotten life.