TRUE STORY: My kid was watching the Texans playoff game and said, unprompted, “Texans is a stupid nickname.”
TRUE STORY: My kid was watching the Texans playoff game and said, unprompted, “Texans is a stupid nickname.”
I was at that game!
a baby made out of ham? a piglet?
nice job, I lol’d.
she hates Star Wars, yet her twitter handle is practically Alderaan? I call bullshit.
My favorite part of this article was when you gave just one of the beers a letter grade. Quit smoking dope with those damn deadhead hippies, it will make you stupid!
I worked at home depot many years ago and the bird seed in the garden section attracted mice. A coworker took great thrill in putting out glue traps to catch them and and drown them in a bucket of water.
If a bird can shit on Putin and he keeps going, a bloody nose better not stop Obama!
Damn redksins can’t even do a scalping correctly
Heinz. Hellman. Welch/Smucker.
Why would you want your kid to “ruin santa for everyone at school”? How is that hilarious? It seems kinda fucked-up that you enjoy the sadness of children. Plus, if you’ve already ruined the magical myth of Santa for your kids, then you’ve missed out on a prime opportunity to keep your kids in line for the month of…
you can leave it there, as long as you leave too, nerd.
Per a source with knowledge of the situation, the NFL has removed referee Pete Morelli’s crew from the Colts-Steelers game to be played on Sunday night.
“Who wants to project Mutombo!?!”
she said she was gonna make me a pot.
I’m suprised jones didn’t fumble.
When I unload the car, I gotta deal with bags that have heavy bottles of milk and cans of soup...
she’s probably a Buc’s fan; blowing a lead like that.