Lol. I admit, I also worship at that heathen altar. There’s commiseration and beer there.
Lol. I admit, I also worship at that heathen altar. There’s commiseration and beer there.
Sometimes I think there are a lot of Minnesotans who would be out atheists if it wouldn’t kill their grandma. I could be wrong, but in the North we are pretty utilitarian folk.
These backpedaling maroons and their “conspiracies.” If you do a basic google search you will find that Garth Brooks and Barry Sanders are both OK State alums. Brooks is a very passionate alum who has donated millions and Barry Goddamn Sanders went against the wishes of his own father by choosing OK State over…
If I know my upper Midwest folk, and I do, that daughter will likely be pregnant at 16 because she’ll be too scared of Mommy Dearest to get BC AND believes you can’t get pregnant your first time because real sex education is prohibited.
When are they going to try to ban humanity? The books I read taught me about humanity, mine and others.
I understood exactly what you meant. Thank the goddess for my librarians. Without them, I’d be so much dumber. Thank you for your service.
That is truly creepy. Why would anyone think that is ok?
I know it’s doxxy for you, but I’m really curious how it was for the regular people around this pseudo-Christian, sociopathic nightmare of a family. Is there anything you can tell us?
I’m gray and that’s alright. If you read this, both writers and commenters, you are all awesome. I have loved sports for my whole life and finding Deadspin changed my perspective in many ways. It’s made me more self-aware. It has made me feel understood while teaching me to be more understanding. It is one of the few…
This. Someone please get this man some help. My sis has bipolar. This is terrifying and the pendulum will always swing back.
My dad used to say, “Be loving all the time. To yourself and to others.” He didn’t mean, “be a doormat” or “give of yourself until you resent it” or “be perfectly pleasant all the time.” I didn’t really understand what he meant until he wasn’t there anymore to show me.
They could very well be making a reference to “The Wizard of Oz.” The story is a parable about a group marching on Washington DC. Or maybe they just like the dress. I try not to make wild assumptions about people.
So my frenemy was a girl I met at church. We were both recently divorced and I had just moved across the country so I didn’t have a friend group. Her BFF had just had a baby and was mostly consumed by the new baby and weird family drama. We did fun things together, I helped her move, twice. Over time she started…
You’re probably correct, but I would prefer to think that this is just Satan’s college and he’s fooled these racist assholes into doing his bidding.
I’ve found this with most racist, conservative olds. They aren’t curious about anything. They are also never wrong, according to them. They don’t read or watch anything that does not conform to their world view. What I find amusing is that they watch other racist assholes on tv who “are just asking questions,” and nod…
I’m a dummy but could a lawyerly person explain to me how threatening a whistleblower with exposure isn’t witness tampering and obstruction of justice?
Or dress up and hand out candy for Halloween or dye eggs for Easter. All of these are pagan celebrations with pagan traditions. Some of the pearl clutchers should go to Germany to see how a real Christmas is celebrated.
His name is a popular synonym for traitor. He betrayed his own country in favor of the Nazis so that he could have a brief spotlight. He was executed as a traitor after his tenure as Norwegian PM and Nazi collaborator. He and Sean Spicer will get on famously in Hell. (If there is one.)
How come no one ever tells Tebow to stick to sports? Lebron and Kaep get shouted down in a hurry, but Teabag Timmy gets a pass? “No shut up and play,” from the angry tv lady?