
Whenever I see Kimberly Guilfoyle’s name, I also read it as Kimberly Gargoyle.

Imagine if your job was just to sit around passing bills that you know are unconstitutional.

Wow, complaning about meth head neighbors when you’re a crack user...

Based on the “I get paid by the government.” line, I half-suspect she doesn’t have a job to lose. That sounds suspiciously close to “I’m on the dole.” 

He has said racist things in the past and supposedly doubled down and said he wouldn’t resign over them... most definitely the latter.  Don’t fuck with the Crimson Tide. The undertow is deadly. 

More like pickled.

Carter’s loss proved to the world America doesn’t want a president who tells them the truth, they just want one who tells them what they want to hear.

Man Jimmy C. and Obama...both of them genuinely nice men who tried to do their best for us and America just didn’t deserve them, as the country then revealed by voting like total assholes.

Christian conservatives have lots of experience living in two realities at once. His is just playing out in a more public forum.

blaming the mechanism (government) as being broken, doing their utmost to corrode and weaken it from within, and then when it malfunctions saying unironically “see? told you it was broken!” will definitely be one of the most prominent legacies of this joke of an administration (and the Republican party as a whole, for

All signs point to them believing the lies they were spreading, lie which aided coronavirus’s spread.

Was about to lay claim to it myself. Fortunately I have a backup island, St. Denzel and Cillian Murphy. 

it does make me smile to imagine Pence having dreams (no, not the one where he’s stuck on a desert island having a pushup contest with Hugh Jackman and Idris Elba) about Trump introducing his new VP candidate Nikki Haley via Twitter without any warning to Pence. Imagining Pence having to smile and swallow that

As a New Englander, I’m not super invested in Texas politics, but Patrick willing to offer up the elderly to appease the Invisible Hand both got me to file him away in my rogues’ gallery of special sociopathic lunatics, and is a moment from this covid-19 episode that will stay with me long into the future.

I had two such trolls on week old comments that I’m sure they’re the same person copy pasting to a bunch of people. Lots of “towelhead” and the c word remarks. How do people have the time?

Caligula’s Poodle is the new name for my death metal polka fusion band. Thanks!

Evil is a preservative.

Yet this flaming dumpster of a president will try to label Obama a traitor and accuse him of imaginary crimes. Guess the only thing Trump loves more than the troops is Putin.

The best way to get red state clowns to pay respect the BLM movement: attack their college sports programs. Well done, UA athletes.