
They think fondling your cousins and forcing yourself on your SO or a passed out woman at a party is completely normal. They think that civilized society’s expectations of them is too high, laughably high, in fact. Their answer to anyone who tells their story of being traumatized by sexual assault or demands for

Why not just let her keep the advance with a view to a future book? Don’t publishing companies do that all the time? Ok so not THIS book, but maybe a book about how your spinelessness has served you so well as a white house correspondent and helped further your career? 

Understood. But he got fired and kept the money. She decided to not continue and gave it back. No one seems to care about optics anymore, why not keep it? It’s not her fault that her partner in the deal was fired. I don’t know. Maybe they offered to restructure the deal so it wouldn’t have been as much work for one

It certainly does from that perspective. I don’t care for Haberman at all, but it feels like another example of women doing the right thing after a man fucks up and getting penalized whilst the man remains virtually unscathed to freely move on to more fuckery.

Yes. And more:

Breitbart has sports? Is it exclusively focused on the KHL?

And this is where I offer my own personal experience, such as it is, to retort to the pearl-clutching airline employees who seem to hate leggings, rompers, and other comfy clothing.

I think some of them see their imperfect children as black marks on their purity and want someone to blame. Surely it isn’t them and their perfect genes...

Umm. Rob AND Doug Ford. That’s like electing Trump and then finding out he has an even more despicable brother and electing him too.

Portlander here. There are plenty of Trump supporters here. They don’t out themselves very often because Portland is a liberal enclave and they fear repercussions for showing themselves for what they truly are (racists). If they get support from their mothership though, I fear for my state and my sanity.

Didn’t Erik Prince already try this and fail?

You mean like threatening the staff at a funeral home and then waving your gun around when the terrified employees call the police? That kind of foolishness?”-The newest Oakland Raider, still very much alive, sad baby Richie Incognito

Didn’t you know? Being a father and a man of faith nullifies the necessity for you to be honest and accountable.


My friend shot hand guns competitively for a few years. None of the outrageously arrogant cops who entered ever advanced beyond the first round in the civilian competitions. The firearm incompetency is something I always suspected, but his confirmation still alarms me. 

I’m sorry to be a geography nerd, but Bismarck is in North Dakota, not SD.

Stop making me feel better.

It was a shitty and stupid thing to do.
