
You’re expecting them to read?

Well actually, Dr. Crazy Person, the times civilization has most advanced itself has been when we’ve stopped clutching our bibles and beating people with them. This has allowed us to pick up textbooks, microscopes, and other tools that actually help us collectively. When we put away dogma and adopt real faith, that’s



The answer is always, “Because I help pay for your prostate exam.”

Right. Because the billion people who claim to be Muslim are all the same. They believe the exact same things. Just like the billion people claiming to be Christian all believe the exact same things. :/

Somewhere in 2 Corinthians it absolves you of having to obey any of the stuff that poor people-loving Jesus said. 


Look at this petulant piss baby. Enjoy prison, you waste of carbon. 

I have no idea what bible these garbage people read.

She’s rich because god loves her.

Ugh. I was in a book club a long time ago...

I misspell words on occasion, but the condescension coupled with their repeated typo makes my eyes roll out of my head.

I emailed them a question and they responded. They confirmed what I had always known. My ex was an arrogant jackass, and I should leave.

Why is weed still illegal in Florida of all places?

I saw that too, and groaned inwardly for her. But I don’t think that it made her look like an idiot. For some context, there was a show on netflix that followed two best friends in Ireland, I think? They were sexually active twenty-somethings. One of the young women has unprotected sex then goes to her doctor for a

This was my take as well. Comparing a hypothetical man who is too lazy or stupid to use a sump pump and JUST REALIZED that his neighbor might need help to the folks who were left to die in New Orleans is amazingly stupid and myopic. But, with any luck Steve King will have STUPID AND MYOPIC emblazoned on his tombstone.

Customer choice is an illusion anyway. You ‘choose’ the most affordable insurance and then they choose what to pay for, superseding what your doctor thinks you need or what works best for you. 

Even casually paying attention in remedial classes is for unpatriotic nerds, I guess.

Lol. Did none of these people take a history class? Like ever? Read a book? Maybe read an article in a magazine in the waiting room for the dentist?