
I read the book and listened to the podcast. You get the complete picture with the podcast, and you get to listen to her deposition. I read about her charmed life where she was gifted all of the chances, browbeat one of her scientists into suicide, scammed everyone, then claimed gender discrimination when the truth

Before 3/12/2019: How? How does this creature with zero self-awareness, speaking skills, or cogent thought get into an institution like Columbia? I mean, even with her last name, they have to have standards, right?

Evangelical = Hypocrite



Be Useless

It’s confusing because her severe dress and cartoonish makeup look more biddy-like than harpy-like. But I agree she is still safely within harpy range.

I am documented crazy, but I too am almost certain my fluff lord has a particular meow for me that sounds suspiciously like “Mom.” She loves new people. She will hold out her paw and touch you to greet you. Then you must pet her. Them’s the rules. If you break them and do not pet her. You will feel and hear her wrath.

This was my take as well. Women with eating disorders are vapid morons. But tech-bros with eating disorders are cutting edge and mindful!

The most virulent anti-vaxxers I know are all hard core republicans. And I live in the PNW in fairly liberal territory. Anti-vaxxers cross the political divide, but I’ve never personally met a liberal one. 

Yes, punished by essentially vacationing in Italy for a few months. The poor man! IS THERE NO END TO THIS TORTURE?!

And yet, Stevie persists. Despite two major heart surgeries. Because evil gives you extra lives in exchange for your humanity?

My sis’s FIL refuses to get life insurance because “it won’t benefit HIM, so why spend the money?” He is a coddled baby boomer mama’s boy. He could be the generation’s mascot.

I’m sorry to share these scars. I’m glad you are getting to a healthy place and teaching your daughter the value of being a good human being. I don’t have kids, but I hope to be a soft place for my niece. I, too, follow your path. Be a kind person. Be good to all others. Work for the good of all. Remember to be kind

Thank you! What a great article! I didn’t even think about the effect that abstinence-only education was having on kids, other than the fact it does nothing to educate them about sex or reality. While it is good to know that I am not alone, I feel terrible for all the shame so many have had to feel about their own

I’m sorry your husband has had to go thru that and that he experienced such fear as a child. I am glad he’s worked thru it. I think some kids are really sensitive and really introspective. Teachings like eternal torment have a real affect on us even at a young age. It’s not like I don’t think you should teach your

I am also agnostic who borders on atheist.

Thank you. It adds an extra layer of confusion to puberty that nobody needs. What really annoys me though, is that it stays with you to adulthood. So much therapy is required if you want to live an honest, sincere life. 

The most depraved people are hardcore, gay-hating evangelicals. They hate themselves, they hate their humanity, they hate women’s sexuality. I have stories that I wish I didn’t know. The women are always punished severely for any indiscretion, the men are slapped on the wrist and told to pray more.

Thank you. I’d like to think the whole experience has made me more empathetic and more accepting. Which is pretty much the opposite of their intention.