Lol. There is no way that Alex Jones, even as he snores and sweats on his piles of money like a fat circus bear, has a soul or a moral compass.
Lol. There is no way that Alex Jones, even as he snores and sweats on his piles of money like a fat circus bear, has a soul or a moral compass.
I would have a hard time keeping a straight face. Plus, my moral compass would continually interfere.
I may be dumb, (likely), but I think there is sexism on the part of the police towards both the male victim and the female perpetrator. Like, “So you have a crazy lady in love with you man, don’t be such a baby. Oh no! She took a bath in your house? Scary!” chuckle, chuckle. They underestimate the threat she presents…
Hey! Don’t tell ME what it means to be an American! How could you be so intolerant?
This is pedantic but your comment made me think about how much shit women get for trying to survive now, without zombies. Every decision seems to be this catch-22 issue. Do you want to have kids? HOW ARE YOU GOING TO PAY FOR THEM? Do you not want to have kids? VILE MURDERESS/SELFISH SLUT! Do you want to get married?…
I work in retail in a fairly diverse area and I can confirm these potato-faced harridans are the worst. I’m pretty sure that classy gal at the park has a trailer-dwelling twin in my town.
They also conveniently forget that whole live by the sword, die by the sword nonsense that their lord and savior uttered as well.
I worked till midnight and had morning classes in college. I had a designated spot where I slept in the library. No one ever bothered me or asked for ID. But, snow is my camouflage, so there is that.
I see. I usually stick to lurking. Thanks for the heads up.
So what he’s saying is that the folks who were asking for a punishment that fit the felony that Brock was convicted of, are exactly like the racists who didn’t want black children in their schools. Got it.
Is this her? Becky with the bad hair?
I was just appreciating your satire. I guess I’ll just see myself out. Have a nice day!
SMDH. I knew the tipping point would be him abusing an animal. Beat your gold-digger SO and your useless mistake babies, but ffs, don’t touch the chihuahua, protest peacefully, or make drunken threats in an airport, those terrible offenses have consequences. :/
Yes please, do wag your finger at us and tell us that we are mocking your poorly plagiarized nonsense that does nothing to promote kindness in the interest of children whilst you take away their healthcare.
They lack self-awareness. They tell themselves they are the only honest person in the room and the only one who “sees things clearly.” The hitch is that they lack this ability to “see things clearly,” when it comes to themselves and their own humanity. Thus when they are called on their glaring blindspot, they get…
I came for this.
All are welcome to join me on my soapbox or in my grapefruit firing squad. Please bring your own fruit.
Now I love your dad, too. ;)
I believe this is actually rule 9 from the narcissist’s playbook. All political parties have those.
Now you can make up for lost time. Go therefore and be the biggest and best asshole you can be. Make sure to be unsympathetic to everyone’s needs but your own. If you have a filter, forget that it exists. Replace every thoughtful response with, people are saying or I wholeheartedly believe, then offer the most…