
He/she is an unoriginal douchecanoe.

Alrighty Dr. Chong. Since you’re sad about losing your meal ticket, how’s about an accurate report? HIPAA doesn’t seem to concern you at all, so is a quintuple bypass coming down the pike? Brain tumor? Jakob Creutzfeldt?

An aide who used to work for Mueller is saying that there are too many grammatical and legalese errors for this to be a product of his former office.

I’m sure she loves her dad. But, that doesn’t change that she’s a rhetoric spewing alarmist that uses fear-mongering instead of facts.

Thanks. Three years in April. I miss him every day.

You can. Channel that pain and join the grapefruit firing squad Ms. McCain has inspired me to create.

I believe, wholeheartedly, that Carl leaves 99.9% of his sexual partners unsatisfied. But, that is just a statistical observation based on my experience with stupid, selfish, jackwagons.

I’m a traditionalist when it comes to yelling obscenities, claiming victimhood, and ranting about grapefruit firing squads. I like to do it outside.

Beloved by her. I would think.

Who makes these decisions? Not only is it gross and humiliating, toxic shock is a real concern if they have to wait to change their tampon.

We are awarded righteous impunity because we have lost loved ones!

This is a fantastic assessment. But, pay no attention to Red Angel. They are an old troll, tomato-face, who should recede back to the depths of their cave. Or mom’s basement. Or prison cell.

I didn’t know having a dying/dead beloved father gave me a license to be a hypocritical blowhard.

Hey. Red Angel is tomato-face, an old troll.

Hey, mods. I’m probably in the greys, but could you look into a troll posting under the name, Republican? All of their discussions are racist, hateful, and add nothing of meaning to any conversation. Thanks! 

Shallow, vapid, whores. We are attracted to window dressing because we are too stupid to know what’s really good for us. We should really want some spineless, keyboard hero who can’t interact in any meaningful way with people in real life.

I’m going to have a stroke if these asinine, mean-spirited bullies continue to whimper how mean and unfair everyone is to them. Huckabee, Ingraham, Hannity, poor misunderstood Megyn Kelly. They all bitch about how unfairly they are portrayed.  

Hey thanks. We are friends now, but it was a frustrating experience being his GF.

Listen, sad lil troll, (Sqooshy.) I said, “Actual man.” Meaning an adult man who was clear about what he needs from me and what I can expect from him. Not a dude who thinks he maybe wants an SO, and even makes a vow to love them forever, but then backs out 6 months later. But, whatever.

I was a gamer widow and I did all of the things suggested. It made me frustrated and sad. We broke up because my emotional needs, like sex and occasionally leaving the house, were just too much for him. :/