
There’s a candidate who wants to run against the turtle when the time comes. He’s an interesting guy. Sports blogger, radio host, very blue, with a law degree from Duke. His name is Matt Jones and there’s an article about him on Politico. It gave me some hope, small as it is.

Jimmy “I have sinned” Swaggart’s awful crone wife is calling these kids nazis, demons, and implying they are being used by Satan to rape gun-owners. (WTF?)

Research, my friend, do some.

Has anyone here ever lied about their doctor, someone you are seeking help from and paying for it, to get them in trouble? WTF? What would be your end game? A meaningless lawsuit that has nearly zero chance of paying off because your lying ass claim would have no merit?

This was my thought as well. He’s obviously never talked to a woman about sex and does not understand basic female anatomy. This man has a wife and a daughter, and I assume previously had girlfriends, maybe? Yet he, and people like him continually deny that women love sex and have sexual needs too. Instead, women are

What I don’t get is:

This is an amazing summary. Jeb Bush has no personality, but he is likely the least worst candidate. The devil you know and all that.

I should have used the term ‘wanted’ him as president. Tedward Cruz ran 2016. He was a strong contender for the Republican nomination. My bad.

All of the replies I have gotten have admitted that California has big issues. Just like every other state. Not one has pretended that California is perfect. I should know, lots of them have been moving to my state. They love their home, but the cost of living is definitely an issue. I just didn’t understand why

I am still blown away that some people voted for him to be president. He’s a creepy, cowardly, hypocritical clown.

The west is my home as well and it is worth every penny to live here.

California should not be singled out. All states have problems. Humans are gonna human. They are going to make bad decisions, have addiction problems, lose their jobs, and get divorced.

Taxes make for a civilized nation. I don’t understand why they care if they don’t live there. And if you live there and are in a tax bracket where you are angry you have to pay so much, I’m sure you’d have the ability to move. Maybe Kansas or Alabama would these suit those folks a little better.  

These are the pettiest of petty bitches.

Thanks for the link. That was terrible. These are problems in all states. Red & Blue. I was once chased by a homeless drug addict on the streets of Fargo, ND. I was a young teen, and he was enormous. I assume that North Dakota’s unchecked conservative policies are to blame for this.

The vitriol is strong. I can’t listen to right-wing radio or watch them on tv because I value my sanity. Are all of them telling their clueless loyal listeners that California is godless hellscape of illegal aliens, gays and roving PETA gangs? Or is it MS-13's headquarters? What?

Can someone explain the right’s active disgust for California? Every ‘conservative’ I talk to hates California. Even the ones who are from there. Why is California, the once home state of their venerable actor-President, so terrible?

Some people, let’s call them idiots, view teachers as glorified baby-sitters. Also, many teachers are union members, and people have been persuaded to believe by their bloviating overlords that teachers’ and other public servants’ unions are bad, while police and firefighters’ unions are good.

Yes. Their lore also includes Native Americans and Polynesians as being cursed with their skin color because they are descendants of wicked peoples.

Thank you. I have been looking for a new substitute for the word fuck in polite and professional situations and for being in the company of children. Fetching it is!