
I would agree with you. But showing love and being peaceable is so much easier than what these people do, and more congruent with the teachings they claim to follow.

I’m sorry you had to deal with that. My home was my sanctuary. The only place I could truly be myself. It helped me distance myself, and love my family despite the crazy they still are part of. Gas-lighting is a fucked up way to teach your kids about faith.

I had to distance myself from it to appreciate its value, so I understand your feelings. Growing up evangelical was a weird experience. It is truly the most hostile environment for very logically-minded me. However, the crazy didn’t come from my parents and family. The crazy came at me from the community and from the

If these people actually cared one fucking wit about God and their book, they would know the dude they claim to follow, you know, Jesus, told his followers that if they lived by the sword they would die by the sword.

I’m beginning to think that maybe these fucks who advocate abstinence only are only able to climax if they make sex a dirty, dirty thing for everyone.

I wasn’t forced to read it, but I’m sorry you were. I have read it well over 30 times and view it as literature, not a life guide. A born-again acquaintance of mine told me that the old law was made null by the ransom sacrifice. Alrighty. I told him that Jesus and the writers of the New Testament never discussed

There are plenty of Christians who believe life begins when a baby draws its first breath. There is precedent for that belief in the Old Testament. Which the pseudo-Christians often conveniently forget. Or they don’t actually know it because they’ve never actually read it. Which is my guess, because literacy doesn’t

Winter’s Bone deserved the push. It was a great movie.

I am genuinely curious what nonsense he and his enablers would come up with for her.

Tammy Duckworth?

Hahahahahahaha. (Takes breath)

WHEN he votes. When he was campaigning for president, he rarely showed up to do his actual job. And yet, he’s still there.

God forbid a gay or queer person be allowed to really identify with a character in a book. They might think they are a normal, healthy individual who deserves to live a complete life like everyone else. :/

I live in Oregon and my mom is from that area of the state. The article made an impression on me because it really shows the uselessness of ‘thoughts and prayers.’ Action is required to prevent this from happening again. Both Adam Lanza and Chris Harper-Mercer were enabled by their parents. I don’t blame these mothers

Intriguing. Free speech is important to these folks when it comes to their ‘heritage.’


You’re welcome.

The short answer is that Papa O is a petty, impotent little bitch. I’m sure I will enjoy the long answer, too.

So they will hold Klan rallies but not Pride parades. Thanks for continually showing us who you are Mississippi. You make me feel like a benevolent genius.

You’d think the local cops would be angered by non-local agents on their turf. I always thought LEO’s were jealous of their jurisdiction, even when it comes to federal agents. Shows what I know. Thanks for nothing crime show education.