
I’ve skated my whole life and there’s no way I would ever be able to achieve that level of greatness. It’s like something from Slapshot.

There was a fantastic comment from a teacher on one of the blogs in regard to arming teachers. To paraphrase, they said there are teachers they can’t trust with a copier let alone a firearm. Good stuff.

Everyone should read this article.

I’m from a hockey town and that is the coolest thing I have ever heard. Damn that’s real talent.

It’s disingenous of you to pretend to not know exactly what they meant. The only time this might be remotely acceptable would be to yell this at Seth Jones, son of a famous basketball player, if he whiffed on an easy goal, and even then that would still be crappy. This is coming from someone who is a Blackhawk’s fan,

I have asked various gun owners about why so many people like AR-15s. Their standard answer is that “they are fun.”

I did too. I look back on it now as an education. But it was devastating watching him turn on me and thus I became the crazy ex. However, I learned to recognize that someone who disparages their ex openly or writes them off as crazy, is not someone I want to be involved with.

I hate how the Republican party not so subtly pretends they are the Christian party. Their are democratic Christians out there. Only they aren’t part of an agenda to oppress the poor and vulnerable of our population, you know, that stuff Jesus talked about.

I sincerely doubt this crazy rich bitch has ever used a public bathroom. Aside from her illustrious education spent at expensive private schools, I’m guessing she refuses to share a bathroom with us filthy masses.

How does Boyd think the truth comes out? Does he think that MSU is going to issue a press release and reveal the ‘truth?’ Does he think the police are going to do a thorough investigation and then present their findings as ‘truth?’ Even court trials don’t often reveal the truth of an event. The fourth estate is

My longest relationship is with my cat. Mostly because she is very forgiving and smart. If I happen upon a man with her qualities, I will consider his partner potential.

Katerina Witt’s American rival was Debbie Thomas who became a doctor. And then she fell victim to mental health problems. There’s an article about her life now, and it’s a good read, but very sad.

According to what I was taught, the Christian God hates disingenuous fucks as well, so Pence and his “What? Me?” BS is gonna put him on the Jeebus hit list too. I wish I could be there when these falsely pious assholes meet their maker, but I will be maintaining the boilers in hell with the rest of the heathens.

I feel like these very same people who stubbornly cling to this narrative will balk when their very white plumber, landscaper, contractor, or whatever trade-oriented person sends them an invoice.

What about this has become politicized? I am confused. She didn’t do her job. The people under her supervision didn’t do their jobs. They ALL had an opportunity to stop a prolific child molester, and they didn’t. People in her care by extension were violated. Almost 200 children were assaulted. As a result, she should

He was poorly educated until he made it to West Point. I read a biography of AP Hill a few years ago. Jackson was a pious, teetotaler and AP was a good-time sort of guy as evidenced by his many bouts of STIs, and thus they didn’t get along. But, the book brought out Jackson’s jealousy of his fellow cadets and their

He was the weird, smelly kid at West Point. Not that it says anything about his character, the rest of his short life does that.

I am simply showing that including what other people see as meager requirements can be extremely difficult to manage with a full schedule as many people already have. I don’t live in Kentucky and I am not on medicaid. But, my family has benefited from medicaid programs without restrictions like those being proposed

I work two jobs and have no kids. It would be extremely difficult to squeeze 80 hours of volunteering or another part-time job in my schedule. If I had kids or other responsibilities or illnesses, this schedule would be impossible. My sis is on medicaid. She works two jobs, and volunteers about 30 hours a month. She

So the children on Medicaid are going to work at Bevin’s family business that he used public funds to keep afloat? The disabled, the terminally ill, etc?