
She’d be an “aunt” in the Handmaid’s Tale. Any power daddy will give her, she will take and use. Her brother has already been exposed as a sociopath, maybe it runs in her family.

Their lack of empathy makes them who they are. Why would they ever read something as good as this blog? They might lose their delusion.

There is a Miami Herald piece about him that might be illuminating. There is more fuckery underneath his attempt at amends. I have my own issues so I am not faulting him for having substance abuse problems, but I read the article and I am pretty sure he is a first class asshole.

Maybe not. He was such a complete asshole, he was dismissed from Nebraska, where he played well, and then Oregon. No one likes him but his blowhard, aggressively dumb father. The apple didn’t fall far.

Sure. Vegas is new, and I am not counting St. Louis as a temperate clime, although its arguable. MOST of the league is cold and dark in the winter. But, sure, let’s give these poor, poor athletes, many of whom were raised in cold climates and play in a climate controlled arena, a break. :/

The list of NHL cities that are NOT dark and cold in January is pretty limited. Cowboy up, losers.

My mom used to lie to me to preserve the peace when it came to my brother’s financial shenanigans. Morgan might have decided that her parents are lying to her to do the same, if they refute her accusations.

Do they give a trophy to the loser of the SB?

There’s a trophy for second place?

This bitch is so basic she should be a template for delusional women. How could anyone be so oblivious?


You mean they should be grateful to be in a country where they can make billions of dollars? Contribute to their communities in a meaningful way to help make positive changes? Hmmm. Where have I heard this before? :/

I hope you are safe. I am sorry you have been treated so poorly and then terrorized on top of that. I had a great and depressing discussion with an acquaintance last night who has shared the same experience. I appreciated her, “Fuck them, I’m fantastic,” attitude, but sometimes it’s hard to generate that kind of

I have been harassed multiple times by multiple male colleagues. I know that if I ever report it, I will have to leave my industry. An industry I have been working my ass off in for almost two decades. It’s frustrating. If I stand up for myself, I am difficult to work with, if I report it, I am radioactive to other

It was crazy. As a teen, I had grown men creep on me, but I had never witnessed such brazen assholery. The depths grown men plumb to satiate themselves at the expense of other people never ceases to confuse me.

He swooped in while I was coming back from the bathroom. It was a long table with a booth. He edged past one niece and plopped his ass down between them and put his arms around them. I was confused at first. I sat down, realized that some drunky old man had injected himself into my family meal and then proceeded to

I was at a restaurant with my young teenage nieces. They were 14 and 15. A thirty-something man managed to wedge himself in between them in the booth and creep on them. HE TOUCHED THEM! I hurled myself across the table at him and told him to step the fuck off or I would put him in the hospital. He left before I could

300,000,000 million dollar contract and the demob is 13%? That is the dumbest, thirstiest garbage I have ever seen. I do this for a living, and this is a bullshit moneygrab. They aren’t interested in their reputation as a company, which means this is a one-time deal, which means they are crooks.

It’s pathetic that this idiot has been teaching for 30 years and is unaware that court battles have already been fought in reference to the pledge. There are religious groups that feel that participating in the pledge of allegiance is akin to worship. Their children were kicked out of school, the case went to the

Carson Palmer, QB for Arizona, made a lewd gesture toward the Seattle crowd last season. Everyone thought it was hilarious. :/