Her story should make it crystal clear to all the idiots who ask why so many women don’t come forward. Because this idswhathappenswhen you do.
Her story should make it crystal clear to all the idiots who ask why so many women don’t come forward. Because this idswhathappenswhen you do.
Yup. You totally hit the nail on the head with nerds reveling in their power later on in life.
This is exactly why I extricated myself from geek culture a long time ago. Although the seeds of it definitely were present in the ‘90s, at some point in the ‘00s geekdom became a den of truly vile misogyny, which reared its head publicly with Gamergate. And, of course, since this was a movement full of resentful…
Spoiler Alert: They did.
“I’m such a horrible person, I’m so sorry, you must hate me right now” is a classic tool of the abusive partner.
All the harassment stories that have come out have had varying degrees of repulsion for me — Weinstein, horrified; Batali, scandalized; but these guys my first visceral reaction is “where do these fuckers get off with this shit?” Like these nerdy fuckers who couldn’t get a date in high school now reveling in their…
Also, I saw someone point out that Spurlock’s comment about being alcoholic for the past 30 years really undermines Super Size Me, since at one point in the film a doctor says that his liver “looks like an alcoholic’s” after eating McDonald’s for so long. Like... damn. We now know that he was an alcoholic. That’s not…
And The Hulk, and all the various Supermans and Batmans.
Spider-Man. Twice.....
Did you watch the trailer yet? They use “These Boots were Made for Walking,” because of course they do.
chances are none of them are over the age of 19, and are just pissed that they don’t have that hot girlfriend they think the world promised them.
I’d watch the hell out of a female led “Die Hard.”
I get that the internet exists so every dipshit can broadcast their opinion, but literally what is the point of ragging on a movie that you aren’t interested in based on a 2 minute trailer. Does it fill your cold, cold heart with joy? Do you think that Sandra Bullock and her gazillion dollars gives a shit what you…
I hope the feminists are taking over. These fragile boys have shown how the smallest things can upset their whole lives. Poor babies.
Let’s start a female led “Die Hard” rumor. Because nothing is sacred, fellas.
dafuq. how the hell are people turned on by toddlers. do not understand. it must be a power thing? does. not. compute.
Salling should get a fuck of a lot more than four years in prison. IIRC they caught him with pornography of children YOUNGER THAN THREE. 50,000 images! He is an accessory to the assault of every single child depicted in those images. Child porn is not a victimless crime.
I somehow missed that they were a thing and was shocked by this news.