
The light has gone out of my life.

I prefer to give women like this my attention.

Well, my kids’ school has some explaining to do about last Easter!

Sorry, Loose. Different roles.

Oh E! you’re embarrassing yourself. They may have had different roles in terms of what time of day they worked, but they started at the same time and they were co-hosts!!!!

The French in general seem to have a shitty attitude towards sexual harassment and abuse just in general.

Many of them are also notable assholes to begin with, which, from what I hear, includes Deneuve.

I understand the hesitancy because they don’t want to say the wrong thing and have that be blasted all over blogs and social media.

Yes, it’s the woman’s fault for all of this. You’re totally right.


Well, gosh. He couldn’t have just injured his wife. He could’ve also injured someone like a cop that would have actually gotten him sent to prison for life. I am at the end of my rope with DV cases. If men did what they did to their intimate female partners to strangers, they would face serious penalties- no question,

It’s a tribute to the wearer that that dress doesn’t look like drek on 1st inspection. That dress is terrible.

“Capturing the energy of the 1980's”

I would kill for a body like that.

This fuckstick:

I have no idea why this is popular.

Fucking thank you. Why did I have to scroll down so far for this sanity??

The freak show was replaced by real Housewives of Orange County.

Fucking sugary egg slime is disgusting. No.