
I worked with a woman who’s manager had 4 direct report supervisors, 3 male. Of course this manager asked her to get a birthday cake. She went to the most expensive bakery in town and charged a ridiculously expensive cake, bought fancy plates and forks at Hallmark and never got asked to do it again.

Breakfast pie is simply heaven

I do believe it. Not that it was an actual vagina, but rather a piece of raw meat wrapped in paper. It rang true to me.

But dear god what happens if he drops out and Pence steps up? Pence is a religious nutbag who scares me even more than the Donald. Pence speaks the language of the low info voter.

I own those gold napkins in all of their scratchy, heavy, rustic beauty. My mother had them in many colors and when downsizing gave them to me. They look as good now as they did them and I adore them.

Lauri Metcalfe with 3 noms is so good. I completely adore her in Getting On, I want that win for her so much.

How many cops does it take to arrest one non-threatening black woman?

It sounds like the opposite to me. I think he’s trying to appeal to black voters by seeming like a calm and rational person. This frightens me greatly.

Great article - thank you

That’s called means substitution, and studies show that there’s not a lot of evidence for it. Research does demonstrates that for every step you put between somebody and a firearm, you also decrease suicide and injury and homicide rates. For example, the suicide rate decreases about 10 percent if you keep a gun in