The Doberman I had 10 years ago had his tail clipped before we got him, but we left his ears floppy. It fit his goofy personality perfectly. Once we get another dog though, I’m going to pick up a shelter dog. I’m not going to overly judge anyone who gets a pure-breed, but I don’t care about the breed as much as if…
We go after criminals of all ages. Nobody is going after her for the sake of of it, they are “going after” her because she broke the law. No more, no less.
This is heartbreaking so instead I will pretend this article was about what I first thought upon reading the headline, which is: a schnauzer who is 81 years old and also a queen.
Not that I’m a fan of going after 82 year old humans, but the whole thing of physically altering dogs to suit our tastes is pretty awful and we need to stop doing that.
Yeah. This was weird. How does yelling at the incoming chef help anything, Steve?
Did you say buns? I’ll grab those for you.
He honestly thinks he’s done nothing wrong. To him, those women were there for the taking.
Between this and Louis CK’s Cinnabon bit, I’m starting to think that cinnamon buns are some kind of secret pervert symbology.
We built these restaurants so that our guests could have fun and indulge, but I took that too far in my own behavior.
co-owner Steve Crane warned him: “Don’t even think about messing with the waitresses—they’ve been through hell with Mario.”
I can think of times in my life when my gut failed to pick up on danger, but I cannot think of any time when it warned me and I was wrong.
It helps* to remember that anyone who tells you to dismiss your gut is someone who makes the world accommodating for abusers and criminals.
We (as women) are so socialized to disbelieve or dismiss our guts. Even now, as a grown-assed woman, if I state a ‘nope’ position based on what my gut tells me, I get pushback from women as often as men. “I’m sure it’s not so bad!” “Give him a chance!” “But he’s Faaaaaamily.” You don’t even need to ask how often my…
And we’re finally realizing that if one half of the humans involved in the contract sees it as “just a suggestion” or not applicable to themselves if they don’t feel like it, society breaks down.
We often call him Meth Damon because of Breaking Bad.
I really dislike the tendency of people to not recognize basic humanity without having to connect others to them, especially when it’s used to posture about serious issues.
When Plemons was on Breaking Bad, fans called him Meth Damon.
Yeah, I’m not defending Damon here. I had a really intense debate with a friend who argued that he wasn’t going to stop seeing Woody Allen or Roman Polanski movies because he separated the art from the artist.
Right? Matt, baby, listen: no one will think you’re pretty if you don’t shut up. Just stop talking, there. And smile! You’re so much nicer-looking when you smile. /ugh