
Catholic women vote democrat?? Where? Genuine question! I was raised Catholic and know plenty of catholic women who are one issue voters, that issue being abortion. My best friend works for the catholic high school there, and her stories are insane. The extent of my sex education was telling me that condoms don’t

And it’s likely the next generation of this group will vote differently than their mothers and grandmothers.

Always accuse evangelical abortion obsessives of being Catholic. The results are hysterical.

Well I’m sure this comment section won’t descend into fucking anarchy...

Because Lauer was a white male who was moderately good at his job. Therefore it was taken for granted he was the ONLY reason the show was having any success it was. The women were considered fluff and therefore, replicable.

I think we know why the women were rotated through quickly. Why no one ever thought, “Hey, maybe we should just replace the guy who’s the problem instead of the women who did nothing wron,” tells you how deeply ingrained misogyny is in everything.

So the Trumps being bad at voting is one of those non-scandal scandals that doesn’t really affect policy in any way, and yet, it still manages to be an indictment of our eroding society in way that Obama’s “comparable” scandals weren’t (i.e. spicy mustard, tan suit, bowing to a robot). The first family not knowing how

Dear whiny man-flu doctor,  

This sounds a lot like the (valid) period defense. And you know what? No sympathy for the dudes.

She really was. She was a cool human being. You don’t have to read this, I just felt a deep need to put some thoughts down.

The traditional value that men get paid more than women for doing the same job?

What if it’s the traditional values that are degenerating Western society, hmm?

Good! Fuck traditional values. Traditional values mean no gay marriages... mean no abortion rights... I mean, if we’re REALLY gonna run with it, depending on just how traditional you wanna get, traditional values also means women and POC can’t vote and slavery is still a thing.

“I thought you were asleep” is worse because it means he knew you wouldn’t be OK with it, but was trying to do it sneakily anyway at a time when he thought you wouldn’t fight back. Fucking disgusting.

So I have an airplane groping story.

I’ve found that when trash dudes use “likeable”, they really mean “bangable” because, in their eyes, a woman’s worth is inexorably linked to whether or not they want to have sex with her.

“...they didn’t like her cause she was a woman. Cause all their other reasons for disliking her, while some valid, were still not good enough to vote for Trump or stay home. If I had a nickle for every sentence I saw that began with “I don’t like Clinton, but...” I’d be a millionaire. It was popular to dislike

I have been screaming this (shrilly, yes, even hysterically!) since last year, and I’ve been told over and over by people I otherwise agree with that she was such a BAD CANDIDATE. SO CORRUPT. It doesn’t even feel good to be vindicated at this point.

Finally - someone is talking about it! The entire campaign all I heard about was Clinton’s “likeability” problem. No one who said that was doing any introspection. And anytime someone mentioned sexism, they’d overreact and completely derail the discussion. Kinda makes me think they were so hysterical over it because