
Sweden is anything but equal.

You can blame the media for glorifying these types of shootings. Stop reporting their names. The media should treat them the same way they treat victims of sexual assault. Report on the incident, but don’t give the shooters the infamy they seek.

Nevermind the fact that total homicide rates are way down from where they were 20 years ago. Mass shooting get a lot of press, but they represent a tiny fraction of overall gun deaths.

Apparently no one here realizes that “white” can just as easily mean “middle eastern” for law enforcement and census purposes. There is no separate category for people from the near-east. They’re simply classified as Caucasian.

Non story - the photographer has said she had no problem. And if she was uncomfortable with the owner being on set, does she not realize that she is posing naked for a mens magazine and men all over the world (a lot creepier than the owner) will be looking at it?

Oh look, another white celebrity who collects children of color like they’re pokemon. Fuck everything about this.

Actually, it would probably have the opposite effect. Every defense attorney knows that, in a rape case, you want as many women on the jury as possible. They’re more likely than male jurors to blame the victim and excuse the defendant’s actions.

If this was a guy, Jezebel would be accusing him of “sexual coercion.”

Wow. This is so perfectly on brand for a Jezebel comment. It’s stupid as all fucking hell, but that just adds to its authenticity.

As far as I can tell, there’s still only 1 and 1/2 allegations. One clearly accuses him of rape while the other essentially accuses him of being too rough on set.

That statistic refers to accusations made to police. There is no good data on accusations made via social media.

It’s illegal in the same way that workplace sexual harassment is illegal. It’s not a criminal offense, but it is a violation subject to civil penalties.

That makes literally no sense.

Has the word “harassment” really been reduced to this? You honestly think that someone looking at your ass = harassment?

I agree.

To be fair, exactly one professor said that.

He doesn’t have to prove that the allegations were false. He only needs to show that CNN was reckless with regard to the truth of the allegations. The truth is an absolute defense to defamation in the US, but that’s something the respondent has to show (if it can otherwise be shown that they were reckless).

This article is very incomplete. It completely fails to mention that this documentary has received harsh criticism from a variety of sources. Including a recent letter from 19 Harvard Law professors who accuse the documentary of presenting a greatly distorted picture of both a specific Harvard sexual assault case and

Yes, but those limitations (fighting words, incitement to imminent violence, threats, defamation) all must be viewpoint-neutral. Hate speech laws, by their very nature, cannot be viewpoint-neutral. Hate speech laws legally codify what is and is not an acceptable viewpoint.

As an American, I often find myself unfavorably comparing my country to other nations like Canada, Australia, or various European countries. By comparison, we’re downright third world in many respects. Health care, access to higher education, private gun ownership, food safety standards, a brutal (verging on medieval)