
No one gets arrested for racial discrimination in the US. If you’re a business owner who discriminates against a protected class, the worst that can happen is being sued by the EEOC and being ordered to change your practices (along with paying a substantial fine). Disobeying a court order can result in arrest for

No stupid. They were responding to a comment about the carefree emotional lives of men. In other words, they made a comment about men in direct response to a comment about men.

The only emotion men are allowed to show is anger. The only emotion women aren’t allowed to show is anger.

Emotional expectations for men are created by men. Emotional expectations for women are also created by men.

Wrong. Read it more carefully.

This is the kind of ‘trial by social media’ shit that makes me very uncomfortable.

Not unless it’s actually an upskirt. Filming someone’s clothed ass is still legal.

You’re referring to wiretapping laws. That applies to recording phone calls not public photography.

You have no right to demand that he delete the photo. It’s legal to photograph in a public space. If someone takes your picture and you get in their face or touch them, then you’re the one who’s breaking the law.

Actually following and harassing someone can be illegal in certain circumstances. He didn’t commit a crime, but she may have.

Actually, you’re wrong. At least where public schools are concerned. The supreme court has ruled that students attending a public university are entitled to due process where conduct violations are concerned.

I’ve read that post and now I’ve just read it again. It doesn’t say anything that contradicts what I’ve written.

Not to split hairs on this asshole’s behalf, but he’s saying women SHOULDN’T say no. Not that they can’t say no. He’s saying women should consent to sex even when not in the mood. He’s not saying that men should force women to have sex after they refuse.

Consent just means to agree or permit. So long as they knowingly agreed to have sex without being forced, it’s not rape. It’s fucked up, but it’s not rape.

Everyone keeps saying this guy is advocating rape. He’s clearly all kinds of scumbag, but where does he specifically advocate raping one’s spouse?

So long as she agreed to have sex, it’s not LITERALLY rape, but it’s certainly a fucked up mindset.

Where does he admit that?

I’m sorry, but how exactly do women face greater barriers to education or criminal justice? The others are arguable, but these are two areas of life where women are far from disadvantaged. The justice system, especially.

Two Issues: