
“The burden of proof for proving consent in the case of something like this is incredibly high—and should be.”

10 years.

Actually most defense attorneys will tell you that they prefer female jurors in rape trials. They’re more likely to sympathize with the defendant (especially if he’s young). Male jurors can be protective and paternalistic towards the complainant.

That’s misdemeanor sexual assault. Which in New Hampshire is basically defined as forcible groping. I believe he got that for biting her breast.

Is it really a rape joke? It’s definitely a sex joke, but I don’t see any implication of said sex being forced.

It’s in my contract that I shall be payed in women.

Specifically, what was his training as prefect like? Did the training include a discussion of consent as an ongoing and enthusiastic “yes” and not the absense of “no”?

I suggest you consult a dictionary for your definitions rather than some fairly insipid activist website. Both Merriam-Websters and the Oxford English Dictionary use the same definition. “Coerce: To compel by force or threat.” Most legal definitions are similar.

Would people stop using the term “coercion” so inaccurately? Persuading someone to sleep with you is not coercion. Not unless you do so through threats or blackmail, that is.

He told her that he would date her if she gave him a bj on the bus. She agreed. But is that really consenting? It’s coercion.