
The evidence isn’t clear on that. You’re probably referring to the Lisak and Miller study but a more recent and larger study found much higher rates of ever committing a form sexual assault and lower rates of repeat offense. See this article for a general discussion, but Lisak’s claim that 90% of campus rapes are

They broke the rules they should have known better. As a former soldier I cannot support them. If they where white male soldiers using a Nazi style salute this very website would scream and demand they face punishment.

No you don’t understand being a woman or a minority makes you automatically more wise and virtuous than all men everywhere.

I didn’t say it should have gone to a man. There were and are better women candidates for other offices around the country that could have used even a fraction of that money. Yes it was a waste.

I’m all for this... provided it doesn’t undercut truly exceptional candidates like Emily’s List tried to do by throwing $3 million at Donna Edwards against Chris Van Hollen in MD’s senate race. That money could have done some actual good in other races. Instead it was a total waste on a shit candidate that had nothing

Taking stalking seriously and addressing it better are critically important, but: 1) the sex offender registries this is based on have caused problems and it is totally unclear whether they actually prevent sexual abuse, 2) as the story in the article demonstrates, isn’t the issue that police don’t care much or know

So which tweets exactly did you have a problem with? Or are you just here to call people names?

Except that after their first heated debate, they *did* ask him to stop tweeting them directly and stop referring to them directly, and he complied with their requests.

Guthrie pictured below:

I’m guessing they were reasonably fearful, as they went to the police. So, it’s all totes fine because he didn’t realize he was harassing them? That’s FUCKED.

Yeah, I understand the knee-jerk reaction of support for the accusers given the topic at hand, but when you start looking into this case, they come out looking as bad if not worse than Elliott does in any of his tweets

Why is it that everytime someone has an opinion you don’t like, then they’re MRA’s?

I love Jezebel, I’m a Canadian, and I identify as a feminist. I was wondering, have you read the 75 pages of court proceedings that are available online? I’m part way thought it and it doesn’t seem so cut and dry like this article seems to make it out to be. I think we should believe anyone when they say they have

You can be afraid without there being any real reason to be afraid, and that’s okay. The law doesn’t need to step in and punish someone else for your fear, unless there’s a compelling reason.

I understand that the lack of support for women before, during, and after pregnancy is absolutely indicative of discrimination against women on the basis of their being women—but all the rest of those bulleted tid bits are particular to indigent women and women of color—so are those phenomena a result of particularly

It’s easy to say religion as already stated but I think that only is half the problem. The other half? Money. Making it and keeping it.

Does the UN actually do anything?

Good PR. Abrams make himself a target to a small but very passionate group of people when he called SW a “boy’s thing” so he rebounds by telling an interviewer of a woman he thinks could direct SW. He also wisely chose a black women as he knows that gives him extra points.

Now playing

I know there is going to be endless praise of Sweden as some sort of utopia but it’s not, it fucking isn’t

Yes a large multinational alliance that has been expanding slowly closer and closer to their border. Can’t imagine why that would piss off the Russians. At some point adding all of these random eastern European countries to NATO is gonna bite us on the ass.