As you wish:
Very simple. Americans identify more with their European allies than Lebanese people. I’d opine Americans are several times more likely to know someone in visiting/living in France than Lebanon.
That is true, although why did Facebook choose the French flag and not Lebanon? Paris has eclipsed the fact that 41 people were killed in Beirut on the same day.
Whatever happened to David LaChappelle? His photographs were everywhere (Rolling Stone, Elle, album art, etc). I really liked his work.
Apropos to nothing, I was unaware that Nancy was Jewish.
Yeah her body type and super young face don’t help at all. The faces she makes and poses she’s in look so disturbing to me. In these pictures, she looks like a 12 year old being forced to pose by a dirty pervert. It’s not sexy or sexual or avant garde at all. Ugh. Bleh.
In some ways Miley Cyrus reminds me of Angelina Jolie when she was younger, with her knives and her blood necklace and the other attention-seeking, shocking things she did. Then something happened, probably the adoption of her first son, and she stopped engaging in those kind of antics. I'm not a big fan of hers, but…
Miley is the dictionary definition of a try-hard.
Marc Jacobs was the originator behind this photoshoot. Jacobs controls both Terry and Miley. Jacobs took Miley under his wings when she was 16. He is responsible for her shocking image. She featured in his ads many times. Read the truth here.
No matter what she does Miley is just not going to be one of the cool kids. I wish she would just accept it and move on.
Your argument can be turned around: let’s get all-black juries to judge white folk crimes, right? How come that never happens? Black people can be impartial and give justice to whites. See? How does that sit in your mind and heart? Does it cause you discomfort? Make you think? It should because THAT NEVER HAPPENS…
White men generally don’t give a flying fuck about black women. That’s actually a big part of this rapist’s technique. He banked on it and it’ll probably work out in his favor. He specifically picked his victims because he knows how completely dehumanized they are in this country.
These are black women, honey. No one gives a fuck about black women.
This kind of denial just makes me tired . . . the fact that they’re getting shit about peacefully assembling proves that there is an underlying need to assemble. For contrast, how ludicrous would it be if a Susan G. Komen group got remarks like “Breast cancer? I don’t see no breast cancer! Get lost, titty-lovers!”
Living Single was awesome. And Girlfriends!
Living Single was amazing. And it never got enough credit. Constantly overshadowed by it’s Martin Lawrence lead in, then dissolved into the sands of time. Sinbad in the same block, also never got enough credit. One of the few times in my life that FOX had a whole block I would watch.
Man I loved Living Single.... when I worked direct care I was in heaven because their cable actually carried a channel with that show on it.
Jennifer Aniston was replaced in Brad Pitt’s love life and everyone in the world has kept noticing for years and years and years.
I tend to examine/fear rejection to an unhealthy level.