Karaba the Sore Sir Rest

I blame Tinder....


Aww dang! I was hoping for some Torah Ten plague-level infestation or something! :-)

Nope...he’s the Woody Allen of photography. Hollywood isn’t lining up to work with Cosby anymore, but they’ll give the first blood of their firstborn to work with Woody.

I have the same sentiment regarding Woody Allen. I have yet to experience the “genius” of his art that excuses his predatory behavior.

I have the same sentiment with Woody Allen. I still have yet to find the “genius” in his art that excuses him from his predatory behavior...but Hollywood lines up to work with him for some reason.

Got any Yiddish cursing sentences for Woody Allen?

Gawd Missy! Welcome back, girl. We missed da hell outta you. I had forgotten what it looked like when women could make hype music while keeping all their clothes on. Luckily Janelle Monae was able to fill in that gap for me in your sabbatical. Who got the keys to my Jeep, so I can bump this!!!! Sock it to me.

In this trigger happy world, (especially as a non-White person) I know better than to go meddling with and touching people I do not know unless it is welcomed or a situation of dire emergency or safety arises. That couple was not in any danger of a woman quietly reading a book. But they just had the NEED and duty to

This is the difference, Johari took to a book when she was uncomfortable...the “duke and duchess of white privilege” behind her & two people away felt it was their God given duty to tap & touch another person and disrupt them because they were “uncomfortable”. How dare she be Black and in the VIP section.

To me it says...”Carnival...BITCHES!” in a S. American accent.

Spike’s greatest movie is “Crooklyn”. That movie is the most beautiful love letter to his sister.