Karaba the Sore Sir Rest

Oh! My bad! I didn’t think you were actually pissed that another human being felt really uncomfortable and instead of disrupting that experience for others, sat silently and did what she needed to do for herself while maintaining the experience for everyone else around her.

The funniest part is that this would have been a non-issue if that one gentleman hadn’t thought “Oh, here’s some minorities that don’t seem like they’re here to cause trouble. I’ll have them right in the middle behind Trump where they’re sure to be seen.” I mean, how is it a VIP section when all it takes to get in is

Fucking whoever you are. Completely ignoring the fact that the woman was witness to a bunch of interactions that made her uncomfortable and so, instead of making a scene, sat quietly and did not disrupt anyone or the event.

You could see the older white woman on the video be the first to notice Johari reading her book. She fixated on her. The husband was all “yeah Trump”, slapping his leg, and laughing at the anthropomorphic pile of shit talking...until older white lady tapped laughing dude and set him into action. Entitled white dude

Hm. What exactly is it about her that you find it completely unbelievable that she would entertain the idea that the version of Trump portrayed in the media might not be an accurate representation and so, to really feel comfortable in making a decision, seek out that information for herself?

Too bad your people are predictable enough that they took the bait and didn’t just ignore a person reading, right?

Go home, Donald. You’re drunk.

They made sure to sit her right behind where Trump was speaking so they could play the whole “How can he be racist if THE BLACKS like him?!” card.

Read this while listening to the new Missy and I am just filled to the brim with black girl magic right now.

Oh my God, I’ll just give it to them. Hillary Clinton is bald and she is wearing a wig. Yes, it’s true.

Official That Guy™ Comment.

Boy, you’ve really chosen a great hill to die on.

Yup. This is a point that I’ve been making about this situation repeatedly. If this threatening climate were Islamic in origin, white people wouldn’t be so cavalier or “1st amendment” about this at all. Because they’d be at risk also, not just non-whites.

Apparently only if they’re threatening white people.

*Stefan voice* This video has everything: metallic lipstick, marionettes, dancers in Ikea organizers, nail technicians, mirrored hoodies, and breakdancers on hover boards.

My babies ALL loved Missy.

All these frantic, thirsty young pop bitches should take lessons, but they’ll never be as cool as Missy.