Warren was a Republican under Reagan, so basically endorsed the genocide of LGBT people. We gonna kick her out too?
Warren was a Republican under Reagan, so basically endorsed the genocide of LGBT people. We gonna kick her out too?
I have a lot of respect for former GOPs that switched sides to the Dems...they used their brain and made a rational decision. That invalidates them as a GOP by default, they refused to drink the Kool-Aid and kill the little voice in their head.
except that she was raised in a republican household in kentucky and so her bubble was republican. i think we’re all forgetting how very relaxed most people were about politics until 5 years ago.
Yeah, I keep seeing national stories about how tight the race is, but locally everyone is just like "Who the fuck is this Melton-Meaux joker?"
Yeah its going to be a tight race with Omar’s slim 25 point lead in the polls.
Not that I particularly want to defend the Democrat establishment here, but both the MN party (DFL) and national (Pelosi herself donated) have thrown their weight unambiguously behind Ilhan Omar, thankfully. It’s actually quite odd to see.
Jones also argued that many of her constituents have been embarrassed by Tlaib’s behavior, including referring to President Donald Trump as a “mother-f——r” in calling for his impeachment on her first night in office.
I’m sure the police unions, sheriff’s departments, officers involved, shitbag pundits, and basement-dwelling grays will be issuing an apology for using this incident to claim persecution and as die-hard proof that cops are mistrea- AHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA, just kidding. They’re just going to keep teargassing innocent…
I work for a similar place and have been lucky in this sense too. It’s been kind of fun to get to “meet” my clients’ dogs, etc. on calls - I think it’s led to closer professional relationships if anything else. Makes us all seem more human.
Yeah, I’m of the mind that if you are indoors and you can’t wear a mask you shouldn’t do it. So, dining indoors, gyms, bars are all out. MAAAAAAYBE I would do restorative yoga or something if everyone was masked if that was my one quarantine vice. (It isn’t, I do yoga on a great app called Down Dog and other workouts…
Jenny Slate did a good job with Missy and played her respectfully. But this is the right move.
I lived in MN for too many years. I wanted to sell t-shirts that said “Minnesota - Canada didn’t want us”. Also “Minnesota - We call anything with water a lake.” I think me moving away from there was best for all of us.
I think Minnesota will go with Canada on this one.
Hear, hear! Went to CVS today and realized about halfway there that I had forgotten to put a bra on. I’m not, shall we say, a SMALL woman so it’s pretty obvious when I’m freeballin’. I almost turned around and then just said fuck it. I may never put a bra on again! It’s glorious! And to think I used to SLEEP in…
Not so much of a surprise. She won 55% of the vote. And in the last state legislature election, Wisconsin also voted 55% Democratic. There is a Democratic majority in the state if people are motivated to vote. Then how did Republicans end up with 67% of the seats? Gerrymandering beyond belief, which the U.S. Supreme…
This is so huge. Voter suppression has become an incredibly powerful go-to tactic for the GOP, and it’s amazing to see it fail like this. This is also great news for the November election, since it doesn’t bode well for Trump. Congrats to the citizens of Wisconsin for getting out and voting, even though it was…
Totally agree. However I am still really curious to know why Bruce is with his ex and their adult kids and not with his wife and young children.
I catered a wedding where the bride’s dad and step dad were like best friends. They went on camping trips together, without the rest of the family. It was the coolest and sweetest thing ever. They obviously both walked her down the isle and the speeches made me, a total stranger with a heart of stone, cry.
I’m not watching Tiger King because I don’t have the appetite for terrible people right now, but I do have a question for those experts who’ve seen it.