
Yessss I wait all year for this and pandemic has my sense of time warped so this is a nice surprise.

As a former campaign worker, yard signs don’t mean shit.

lol I’ve been on the drive-thru end of those moments.

I don’t have kids, but I have two dogs that like to introduce themselves on every work call I have. They regularly bark at any delivery truck that dares to drop off a package in a two block radius. I’m grateful that I work with mostly veterinarians, so they’re understanding, and the rest of them are public servants

yes this reminds me of Spencer and Heidi

I’ve already cut my bangs and I don’t care who knows it. In my defense, it was just a trim so it was super easy- not like I went stir crazy and made a major chop. I also generally trim my own bangs, so it wasn’t borne out of quarantine haze.

But also---- so weird that Adam Brody ended up with Leighton Meester and Rachel Bilson ended up with Bill Hader..... Both Rachel and Adam definitely have types.

Leighton Meester and Adam Brody are like the ONE celeb couple I want to meet.

Omg Kim’s “SORRY TO BORE YOU BECAUSE I DON’T EVEN CARE, BUT HERE IS AN ENTIRE ESSAY ABOUT THIS VIDEO” was blowing up my twitter feed. I don’t even follow her and I couldn’t see that any of my friends liked it. Does twitter have sponsored content? Because I wouldn’t put it past Kim.

I heard from places like Target and JC Penney about COVID-19 before I heard from my union. AFSCME got some major sideeye from me for that. But really, I don’t care what any of these retailers are doing other than paying their employees and taking care of them.

Please do what you need to get safe. Please use the resources above. Sending you love and support.

She played an airhead on a couple of TV shows and everyone assumes she’s like that. Also, shes got the pipes for opera, and if she sang that instead people would think she was cultured and intelligent, but because she sings pop music people write her off.

I’m really enjoying the NATIVE sensitive formula. Aluminum free and baking soda free. It lasts all day, unlike the other natural deodorants I’ve tried. I have the aloe and green tea scent, which is pleasant and mild, because I CANNOT do a lot of fragrances. In fact, sometimes it seems like fragrance is meant to cover

I had a speculative conversation with my coworker about this when we both found out that men don’t generally use that convenience hole in the front of their underwear. We both think that they use the waistband to hold their dick up.

For men, its not even so much bathroom germs (I know men can manage to piss without touching themselves), but just regularly washing the day off! Women tend to have a much more intimate bathroom experience. But I guarantee these anti-post-piss washers aren’t washing their hands enough throughout the day otherwise.

Yes, I’ve lost 50 lbs over the last year, and I have been buying my favorite clothes in smaller sizes off Poshmark. Some of the clothes that I was sad to donate have shown up as a smaller size in thrift stores. I’m always delighted. It showed me that it was okay to give up the items that weren’t serving me, as much as

I don’t see an attempt at an apology at all. He’s expressing remorse, but he’s not apologizing.

No by referencing shit that only Minnesotans really understand. Most of the country does not know what the hell the Iron Range is.

Klobuchar campaigned for president like she was campaigning for MN governor.

Yeah its like when you add ketchup to mayo and make special sauce!