
No, because if you added ALL of Warren’s numbers to Bernie’s, he still wouldn’t be ahead of Biden. And I can guarantee you that a lot of her numbers didn’t have Bernie as their top pick after her.

He’s so awkward and painful to watch, and it feels like he’s stuck as a 17 year old douche bag, but when he’s funny he’s REALLY funny.

You have to remember that she’s Not Boring for Minnesota Nice. By having a shirt that says “Amy Klobuchar will beat Trump” there is none of the typical passive aggression and pleasantries. She’s Minnesota Spicy by being direct.

I mean with that attitude, you’re suggesting a self-fulfilling prophecy. If you want to vote for Warren, then vote for Warren! With only 5% of the delegates assigned, we have a lot of primary to go. You don’t have to give up on Liz yet.

I mean, I would absolutely also love to hear from POC and non-wealthy women, but TSwift reaches a different audience with her platform than those people have. I would absolutely love to see her use her platform to elevate those voices, and I think she’s learning. It very much feels like she just took her first college

She got permission to use his name in the song comparing herself to Leo partying with a bunch of young women in Saint-Tropez. Jezebel took off with the rest.

The point isn’t that women aren’t successful and men are, the point is that women have to work twice as hard for half the results. Did you hear the lyrics? “I’m so sick of running as fast as I can, wondering if I’d get there quicker if I were a man.” That doesn’t mean she won’t arrive, just that she’s got more

What I understood was that Sciorra’s testimony was believed, but they could not charge based on her testimony because it surpassed the statute of limitations.

Its one of the commands I use with one of my dogs when I want him to cut it out.

No, they make me hungry. I don’t need more things in my life making me hungry.

I thought my speakers blew out for a second. Ugh

literally women are wired to forget childbirth

I fucking love Down with Love and will die on this hill.

I went to Italy alone on what was supposed to be my honeymoon (except we had cancelled the wedding 10 days after booking the trip) and I was practically wearing an “OPEN” sign around the country and did not bone a single person on that trip! I mean, I had a great trip anyways, but I definitely went into it thinking I

Field work is some of the most grueling and “voiceless” campaign work. Its often about hitting so many doors and phones and having a great contact rate. But its SO important. There isn’t really much room for having a voice, because your job is literally conveying a candidate’s voice. The idea of getting involved in a


I was going to say that exactly! A baby isn’t left-handed. It isn’t right-handed. It isn’t any-handed.

I don’t think “Too Salty” is a thing in the midwest.

So do you not let your kids go to the beach and see women in bathing suits?

There’s a lot Klobuchar should retire, including her presidential campaign.