
Count me completely unsurprised that she’d see Joe Exotic as the wronged victim in that whole mess.

Maybe it’s just me but I like working in an office at my desk and I happen to like my coworkers too. It’s better than staring the same 4 walls at home day and night. Even if I worked from home a couple of days a week, I’d still want to go into the office the rest of the time. 

I know! All we got was a “does anybody still care about this” and a link in the Dirt Bag before this one, I feel ripped off.

okay, so, no sympathy for weinstein obviously, couldn’t happen to a more deserving person, but this is going to be devastating for prison and jail populations. imagine being some kid picked up for possession and then get held in jail indefinitely because you can’t afford bail and they’ve suspended all court hearings

Any large corporation that doesn’t include the phrase “we are still paying our employees and plan to do so as long as we are able” in these emails gets a HUGE side-eye from me. My local bagel place put something up on FB and clarified - when I asked in the comments - that the majority of their employees have

The Supreme Court of my state (Kansas) issued an order yesterday shutting down the courts for everything but emergency matters but protective orders are included in ‘emergency’ so if that is something that might help in your situation but you’ve heard of a similar court shutdown in your state you likely still have

As a survivor, thanks for this! 

This very much depends on the bread. On a good piece of sourdough toast, nothing but butter. If the bread isn’t that great, sure, slather on the stuff.

Honestly, I agree. My 13 year old has been a fan of hers since Victorious, and I have to say, I have never taken issue with it. Ariana is a world-class singer and does her best. She has been faced with some incredible challenges and she perseveres. Makes a few mistakes along the way, but doesn’t pretend to be perfect.

The terrorist attack and her ex’s overdose were also things some people publicly blamed her for, which has to get to a person in a seriously hard way, no matter how many times and how many people say it isn’t true.  I’m impressed with her as well. 

I am very impressed with Arianna Grande. Now that I think about it, she has managed to have an ex-boyfriend die from an overdose, a terrorist attack at one of her concerts, and endless observations about her personal life like who she dated. She seems to have common sense and is pretty articulate compared to many pop

I assume that Grande’s fans like herself are mostly young and definitely not in the “danger” zone and really have no worry about themselves unless they are already immunodeficient or have some chronic conditions but these young people have knowingly and unknowingly, direct and indirect interactions with older folks

I’ve assumed Prince Philip has said something that was racist, and that William has said something like, “Surely you don’t mean to suggest that Granddad was being racist, just because he said (that thing that is clearly racist). That’s not about racism, that’s about tradition, Harry. Pish posh.”

i think wills said something racist about megs.  just a theory.  

Not sure where you live, but since 2020 is a Census year, downballot races are going to be even more important than they were in 2018. If your state has a GOP trifecta at the state level after 2020, it’s going to make it nearly impossible for Dems to be able to break that once redistricting is done and could lead to

As others have pointed out, down ballot actually counts even more. That's where district lines are determined, and even things like which laws will actually be enforced locally. Always vote down ballot.

Down-ballot races are just as important, and in some ways more important, than the presidential vote, and they are places where your vote carries much more weight. Republicans won big in 2010-16 by running for everything down to local dog catcher, and wrapped up dozens of state governments as a result. 

I watched Biden’s speech last night in the mostly empty room, and I didn’t see a man suffering from early signs of dementia at all, contrary to what Trump and/or the BernieBros would like you to believe.

To quote the defining adage of our current times: Young People Tweet, Old People Vote.

I haven’t tried NATIVE yet but it’s on my list. I like scented formulas because I enjoy the scent, not because I’m trying to cover something up. I feel like that’s just a bonus to impeding smelly bacteria. I’ve never used more natural formula that I felt like I needed to reapply. When I was using an antiperspirant, I