
Why are there not more jokes about mating and getting crabs?

After 12 years working on my feet in the service industry, all I care about now is comfort. Boat shoes provide that for me.

If there’s no Blair, I won’t be watching it.

This totally would have happened in my church growing up. I was shamed for liking Harry Potter my first visit to the church and I never shared that I liked it ever again. Luckily my dad didn’t care that I like Harry Potter, and my mom was vehemently anti-this-church and only allowed us to go because it gave us time

Right? It’s not hard to say “I had backward thinking then, I’m sorry, my views have evolved since then.”

I agree, 1981 was a long time ago and his ideas have probably evolved. But maybe he could simply respond with that instead of the crap he’s sputtering out?

I love August, in Minnesota it’s the Golden Hour of summer. We’ve already had a few cool days that remind me that summer is fleeting, and I’ve already got some scarcity mindset pushing me outdoors before winter comes. I had to go to work when it was -60, so I’ll take even the sweatiest of summer weather any day.

This tweet is exactly what I came here to link.

I had a really hard time discerning the ~point~ of this article. The title suggest that Improper Princesses are a problem, the conclusion just talks about how Beauty is different from the rest of them (which I don’t entirely agree with, having read a lot of IP books in my day). Is it just a literary critique and

Cimorene doesn’t ever really meet a lot of girls outside of high society (or in general), so I didn’t really feel that way. In general, there are significantly more male characters in the entire series. I definitely felt that Cimorene was defying expectations of her role as a princess, rather than as a woman. She

I really loved Patricia C Wrede’s Enchanted Forest Chronicles. I’ve reread them several times as an adult, and I am so glad someone got them in my hands as a young teen. I definitely understood from reading those books, and from Ella Enchanted, that the overarching theme in Improper Princess books was that being

It was so shit. My mom is 1 of 7 owners of an inherited property. Its in a highly desirable area and valued very high. She couldn’t liquidate it if her life depended on it because she’s only one of seven, yet FAFSA took the FULL VALUE of that property into account. It really screwed me over.

please no

I’m sure constantly being sold as a package deal puts a lot of pressure on them. Plus you’d think that Jezzies would commend Cole saying, “Lili is an incredibly talented individual who speaks for herself and deserves her own voice box in every single way. 

As someone who loves doing things with their partner, but wants to be viewed as an individual, this is great. I can imagine that constantly being sold as a package deal puts a lot of pressure on them. Whether they’re dating or not, I think more “couple” interviews should be done like this.

that andrew lloyd weber one is absolutely haunted, i can just hear cursed piano music play in my head when I see it. I have to scroll past as fast as possible.

You’re good. If people list a bunch of Tarantino work as faves, its usually a giant red flag.

Yes, I have a keto account and its a lot to keep up with. Its super frustrating to take a day or two off, because it messes up the IG logarithm- both in how it presents me and what it presents to me.

Sorry but all i noticed was her unbrushed dry-ass hair. With a big cowlick in the back. Sideeyeing all of her choices.

I am, thank you.