
So remember when she did her interview earlier this year about 30 things she learned before she turns 30 and she talked about realizing she didn’t need to be seen with her girl gang all the time? This feels like she just moved to a gay gang instead. I hope its genuine, but it feels like she’s accessorizing the LGBTQ+

I didn’t interpret a bad take on this video. This is the first acknowledgement from TS of their stupid feud being over. It really is symbolizing that she really does believe these pop stars don’t have to compete, because she’s setting aside one of her biggest feuds to get fully on board with celebrating all women.


These look like strawberries that somehow slipped into some dirty dishwater and soaked there for a few days.

The only thing my guidance counselor ever did for me in High School was pull me out of class to tell me I shouldn’t take the PSAT because there was no way that I was considering a college that would require the SAT. As someone with ADHD, standardized tests are rough for me, so I wanted a practice test before I took

Yep, my transcript is on hold because of $50 for a key I lost to the student government office.... that is accessible to any student who asks to enter.

I agree it exists, but its thrown around WAY too much. Any bride who reveals an ounce of stress or disappointment is considered a Bridezilla. A real Bridezilla reeks with entitlement.

She’ll never have to make centerpieces, spend hours watching makeup tutorials to do her own makeup with drugstore brands so that it looks professionally done, fight with a future mother-in-law about how her crockpot full of pulled pork cannot qualify as a licensed caterer, figure out how to get the venue decorated

Having planned an entire wedding on my own, paying for almost all of it, and then cancelling it (and losing deposits).... it absolutely is just a thing the groom attends.

I’ve known plenty of moms who had trouble getting their babies to latch, but would pump and feed the babies breastmilk from a bottle. Plenty of moms pump exclusively.

Just here to say that Dave Ryan from KDWB is a complete ass.

Bradley Cooper is single just as A Star is Born hits HBO? Huh.

Most of her campaign has been very MN-Centric. It’s a little embarrassing for a national level campaign.

Dessa, not Dassa. FYI.

to whatever Amy Klobuchar picked.”

I completely forgot about this great show.

Same tbh

There sure are some bitter Bettys in this thread trashing on people who understand how utilizing a brand works.

There was a guy I went to college with named Dong Wang

Honestly, that jawline, lips, and nose look kinda like Idina Menzel. If I saw it from below the eyes, I coulda believed that.

Thanks, I hate it.