
I was supposed to get married at 29 and babies at 30, but 5 months before my wedding my (now ex) went nuts in a drunken flurry of domestic violence. So now that my life took a complete 180, two years later no one dares ask me. I’d love to have children, and I have a supportive (AND SAFE) partner now, but I’m nowhere

Okay but the point is that male celebrities aren’t getting asked that in interviews.

My ex and I split and there was a no-contact order. I had to pack up all of his shit in our apartment. It was really cathartic, because I was able to really process what had happened (out of the blue domestic violence) and start thinking about what I really wanted in life. I also got to keep anything I wanted (mostly

Yes, I left my Christmas Tree up until after Mother’s Day just because I loved that it worked as a night light as well. I should just get a nightlight because now my apartment is too dark at night.

I hope that protective order makes a difference for Hayden. If it wasn’t for the no-contact order, its very possible I would have taken my ex back. It takes a few days for your brain to catch up with trauma.

I had a miscarriage before I ever realized I was pregnant too- somewhere 6-8 weeks. It literally just randomly gushed into my panties with no warning (except some cramping, which was pretty common for me). I was so relieved. I’ve had some sadness at random times, especially because I’m not sure I’ll have children

wtf is this take?

In my time in a cult church, I had a late period after fooling around with a guy and I thought to myself “I would absolutely get a secret abortion rather than go through the shame of a pregnancy out of wedlock (and that I couldn’t financially support).” And then I realized that I was pro-choice.

very Carmina Burana


Just to throw us all off, I guess. I didn’t even believe it was real because she should have been showing by this point.

I think I’m going to pick up some prosecco and make these tonight. Thanks Jez.

Mmmm old fashioneds are better with Brandy.

With that hairstyle, with those shoulders, she nailed The Jetsons look.

Especially paired with “boarding”

Not to detract from the article, but “K-9 boarding” really threw me off and I couldn’t tell if I was reading about a dog training facility or an actual human school.

His campaign sucks so much already, I do not want to wait through the rest of the primary watching this.

Pretty sure the cup was Jon Snow’s, since its in front of his seat that he’s no longer sitting in. In front of his left-hand arm rest.

WHAT? But I thought Serena Williams spoiled it all and it was supposed to be a girl. /s

I don’t trust a guy who wont show his dog affection. Fuck Jon Snow.